Leaper should be removed

Leaper is too good with trinkets. Just played four games where no one else did anything besides go for the leaper comp. Wanna know why? It unbeatable late game and trinkets allow the comp to be more consistent. Screw your stats you played cards for, funny frog go brrrr. Actually though, There is only one tech card to deal with it and the leaper player can just make an unbreakable board, then start taking those cards out of the pool. That is a balancing error. Against other comps you can tech Leroy, blaster, or poisonous. With stats on neutral minions being so easy to come by, blaster no longer works (plus you need a titus or three which the leaper player already has) and the new minion sucks because it is too high tavern tier to find consistently and can easily be ripped out of the pool. In the games I played I would get to the final four and donkey roll 20 gold and not see one viable tech card to deal with it. Either remove leap frog or give us a “suck it titus” card so I can actually have an interactive finish to game. All four games I died to one thousand one thousand summons, with golden tituses from goldenizer, golden bird from eyes of the earth mother, and other random bs from trinkets.

Leaper is plainly brain dead. It is not hard to pull off, especially with the fish trinket. I died to a Leaper build without Tidus but both fish trinkets, reborn golden macaw, reborn golden leaper, 1 raptors, taunted saber and a mount. I killed the entire board twice, took 15 on turn 10 since the fish. his board without tidus became a 300/300 with a full board. It is so dumb that to win you NEED whitemane (wich can be countered with mount) AND to snipe Tidus before his board goes out of control. And they often can run 2 tidus to be sure they get thee buffs even though you manage to snipe one. This was a crappy mecanic before trinkets and it is even more toxic now.

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