Last day before nerfs

Enjoy your broken decks while you can… until new broken decks pop up. :smiley:


Which broken deck???

Watch Pirate Warrior become our new overlord.

You know you’ve entered an interesting meta when a lot of folks would probably consider that deck a very healthy alternative over current options lol


Thx finnaly got legend for the first time kek, was so fast

You act like broken decks allow someone who is bad to actually win.

Spoiler:They don’t.

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It lets them get to legend, but not very high in legend. Which is kind of a bummer as the legend card back used to be difficult to get.

Nah. Bad still bad with any deck.

Considering the power level of warlock and how easy it is to play, yes they do.

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The entire game is easy to play.

Sorry but by that description i can literally say no one should be at legend rank.

The most dificult deck to play in standard is literally shadow priest and because It actually runs out of gas.

How anything in this game is dificult to play at all?

If anything min/Max between self damage and deal with the board is more dificult than atleast 70% of what we play nowadays.

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Unless they ban all quest lines in Wild, Wild will forever be screwed.

I’ll not delete my Questlock in Wild.
In 2023 they must unban the Questline and Stealer of Souls in Wild, and in the 2 years, the Questline will get new food. :slight_smile:

EDIT: It’s a bit sad. The Questline makes a lot of old cards finally playable, but now Blizzard kills them all again, for nothing… Apothecary Imp, Riftcleaver, Hakkar, Chittering Tunneler, Ancient Shade, Neferset Trasher, Spirit Bomb, Crystalizer, Cho’gall/Blood Bloom…

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They sometimes do,it depends on the deck.
If its easy to play and broken enough then yes it does allow mediocre players to actually win and climb.

Not everyone plays and grinds the best deck all the time,there is always a decent percentage of (good) players who play other decks that are less good.
This percentage of players that plays sup-optimal decks allows bad players to climb and win with the best deck,as long as the best deck isnt to hard to play.


“Best decks” in this game aren’t insane powerhouses that win against everything else.

Meta awareness is important because of that.

Blizzard Job isn’t as terrible as people wanna paint.

The advantage the deck has doesnt have to big,a few percent points is enough.
The difference in winrate (against equall opposition) between a good and a bad player with both the exact same deck is somewhat limited in the end. Then if the good player plays a worse deck while the bad player plays the best deck they can be on equal footing against equall opposition.

If everyone would always play the best deck then playing the best deck doesnt give any advantages to bad players but as said this is not the case.

Blizzards job isnt terrible i do agree with that (specially their job on BG has been exceptional). I dont want to say that blizzard does a terrible job but this is just how the mechanic works. Overpowerd decks are an advantage for “try hard” players no matter if they are good or bad.
Playing an overpowerd deck does allow bad players to win and good players to win even more. I dont see how this is even debatable as it seems crystal clear to me.

The hardest deck to play is garotte rogue. Shadow priest is one of the easiest most linear decks in the game.

HS 1 year now is more of the almost autochess game than ever , decision matter a little ,skills is irrelevant,situations that separates bad from good players are rare .
We have made some experiments many times,play everything that you can play without too much thinking and yes in most meta decks you will win most of the times.
People must be delusional to think HS is a skill game right now,thats why old school players have abandoned the game or play significantly less .

Don’t worry, they’ll print something even more broken.

It’s gonna be something with the Battleground Battlemaster

Kids are gonna say I should be able to clear 2 zero cost 8/8 giants and 2 6/6 taunts in 1 turn b4 lock drops the BM

This is actually false. Yes garrote rogue is hard to play mechanics wise because it’s really easy to screw up your otk, but the decision making involved in current Spriest makes it the harder deck to pilot. One wrong minion on a turn and you just lose the game.

Let’s not forget the pre-UiS ones that have been there for months/years. :wink:

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