Blossoms turn into:
I assume blossom upgrades the spell i like it as druid is nature and its a really fun play on wordds
Is there any pictures of the blossom form of the cards ?
Yes, the cards to the right of each seedling is the blossom version. So there’s only 4 cards total, but 6 cards if you include the 2 changing blossoms
I like these cards they are flexible sometimes you cant wait for 3 turns also the cards that were revealed before this work great with this
The new choose one spell discoveres two spells and discounts them if you forge it i think wil work in this package
I think personally Renethal Druid will be a definate possibility now i can play drum druid and maybe i can cut the weapon as the choose one combined spell with give the board to buff it immediatly what do you think scyla ?
your picture doesn’t load for me Schyla. dunno why guess it’s a me problem.
Getting the official images now and editing
You should be able to do quite a bit with the new Treant-focused cards and the combined Choose One cards.
Ancient of Growth, Drum Circle and Cenarius all put out strong, later-game threats, especially when their effects are combined.
And Herald of Nature together with Cultivation give Druid a Bloodlust-style finisher from sticking a token board.
Draw seems like the potential issue, but Life from Death could actually work in a token deck like Treant Druid would be.
Interesting Treant stuff. Cultivation can be an extremely cheap payoff to finish the game. The question is do they have enough Treant cards to make a good deck.
The only Treant they can play on 1 is the 5 health Blood Treant, unless Saplings count as Treant, which I dont think they do, and if they lose the board, their opponent is just gonna trade all their treants before they can be transformed
Though the treant druids can create huge swing turns late in the game with Drum Circle and Cultivation.
Frost Lotus Seedling just feels too slow to be that good
Forest Seedlings looks fine.
It could be better, but it’s fine.
3-4/5 Star Power.
Frost Lotus Seedling looks like trash you have to combo with other cards and 3 turns is infinity.
1/5 Star Power. Hard pass on waiting 3 turns.
I really think it will be buffed to less turns or better base because it looks like trash.
Conservator Nymph is probably good with the coming Cost Reduction stuff.
5/5 Star Power.
Cultivation is probably a 5/5 eventually with enough cards.
Idk, the Druid set looks like it will be my favorite class this expansion so far or just suck this time. Gibberling Druid was fun and this new package is kind of like it. I’m hopeful it can reverse swing turn on the aggro decks, i’m more doubtful I’ll be able to kill the Control decks. Freya and Eonar might be too expensive and i’ll just die to Dirty Rat spam.
There are actually quite a few from the past year and Core:
Witchwood Apple
Natural Causes
Plot of Sin
Soul of the Forest
Blood Treant (probably not a good option)
Drum Circle
Plus some other token stuff that can fill the gaps like Lingering Zombie and Living Roots. Plus whatever Neutral 1- and 2-drops seem useful.
Forest Seedlings seems like a solid Aggro Druid card. Doubt waiting for the Treants is worth it, but maybe hyper discounting the buff spell pays off.
Frost Lotus Seedling doesn’t do enough at its base cost and isn’t worth waiting 3 turns to upgrade.
Conservator Nymph is reliant upon sticking a Treant. Maybe combo with Blood Treant? Not really sold on this card.
Cultivation should be pretty strong in Wild. If you’re able to reliably get this to 0 mana by Turn 6 or 7 in Standard, it could be a very real meta player. Completely depends on whether there’s enough playable Treant synergy.
The problem is a lot of those cards are split between being an aggro deck, and a midrange deck. I can see an aggro deck working out that has solar eclipse into Cultivation as a finisher, but I dont see any of the Ancient stuff working.
I tend to think it actually looks closer to the sort of Treant Druid we had in Descent of Dragons that could just keep creating boards in the later game rather than acting as a pure aggro deck.
Ancient of Lore, Drum Circle, and maybe Cenarius can all put out a threatening board on their own, especially if you can get both effects combined.
Looks like Treant Druid is going to be a thing. Cultivation look broken.