Lamplighter nerf this century?

One week into the new season, 2 weeks from the expansion and they still don’t nerf the bloody lamplighter.
Especially in Rogue with all the cheap bouncing spells, you are dead before you can react.

What the hell are they waiting for? Why is it so hard to see that its ruining the games?

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For whatever reason they decided to do the first balance patch a week later than usual. It should this week.

lets be honest. this patch will change nothing. it never did. all they do is change mana by 1 point and call it a day. all toxic effects will stay toxic, all broken decks will stay broken, all trash decks will stay trash.


The mana cost is not a solution, what needs to happen is that the damage needs to be split on all enemies, not be targeted.
Its not fair to have a full board of minions and the enemy to target your face multiple times with cheap bouncing spells.
Or if they go the mana cost route, they need to make it at least 5 mana

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Same reason unkilliax isnt touched. Same reason herpa derpa druid isnt touched.

People need a simple braindead wincon. Play this card, win the game. You iz teh winnar! People dont want to play. They want to win. Fast and easy. No interacting with opponent.


go to the hs website. think of a toxic card that sucks all life out of hs. now look at the patchnotes. you will either
a) not find it at all, because apparently its fine
b) mana increased by 1
the game is the same from the start of an expansion up until the miniset, possibly longer.
take a look at the paladin decks. they have been a problem and they are still now. they dont even run new cards.
take a look at warrior. boomboss bran is as toxic as ever.
there is no reason to believe that lamplighter will be any different.


It will get nerfed. That much is assured.

Someone already wrote what the nerf should be…it should be 1 damage for every 2 turns elementals are played (rounded…down? Up? Idk)

It so stupid… they never go for half a measures. Its either increased mana cost to 5 or the damage is split on all enemies.

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Unless it’s one of their pet classes, then they have an excuse for why it’s fine.