LampLighter mage just did over 30 damage in one turn what should not happen so easy just because play few elemental. here how you nerf it Battlecry:** Deal damage *(Improved by each elemental last turn.
elemental decks should all return to the dumpster where theyve been for the longest time. when even bots can play these decks effectively you know the game is cooked
I still prefer doing over 30 damage in one turn with Sif rather than Lamplighter
I played this Rouge with Lamplighter they kept bouncing it back over and over and over and over it dealt hundreds of damage but idk it didn’t seem to matter because I ended the match with 3000 armor and they died to fatigue, so idk how strong it really is?
I agree, that LampLighter. needs a nerf i’m out playing ppl the whole game and all he/she gotta do for a win condition is just drop a 3 mana elemental and do 20dmg like really blizzard. this best u can do. hands down the worths expansion i experienced. please fix this to only be “only enemy minions” before i delete my game and rate this as trash can expansion of ALL TIME
I think the correct nerf is to make it a “once per turn” effect, including any other copies. This allows counter-play on the following turn for the opponent, instead of getting nuked immediately.
So I mean the obvious answer is to add something that RESETS the “turns in a row you’ve played elemental”. Seriously all they’d have to do is add something like “improved by each turn in a row you’ve played an elemental, reset this counter”
Or if that is too extreme, HALVE the number for the “each turn in a row” when it is played. So you play it once and it deals whatever, 10 damage, but shadowstep it and play it again? Now it deals 5 damage.
Tbh idk why I don’t get paid by Blizzard when I literally provide them the proper solutions for their game.