Lackeys dont get added to your hand in Arena

After the update I got on to try the new arena. My first game I played a evil cable and the visual and sound effect went off, but no lackey was added to my hand. Next game I the same thing happened for me with evil miscreant, and the same thing happened for my opponent when they played their evil cable rat.

same here no lackeys

yea, deathrattles and lackeys arent working. Why do arena players gets the end of the stick

Blizzard is aware of the arena lackey issue:

Same thing happened here. Ugh cost me an arena game.

1+ here. lost a game too

Additional Information:
Lackeys not just by cablerat but also by this 2/2-warlockguy arent added either, i tested with rogue in ranked, there i got my lackeys by miscreant.

Same here, evil cable rat didn’t gave me a minion and i lost arena game. Nice update