Lackey not added to hand Bug

Also the warlock card that kills a minion and give you 2 lackeys, it’s dead

Same here, No lackey added from EVIL cable rats battlecry.
We are playing with a less card :C

Played an assassinate then Evil Miscreant two lackeys not added to hand cause me to lose…any reimbursement.

Same thing happened to me with a cable rat and improving morale, both of which were in the same game. It happens I just want a ticket. How do you contact them about it because I couldn’t submit my ticket.

Same here, lost my arena games because none of the lackey cards were working.

@Blizzard: plz refund my arena game 150G

look fixed to me …

Thank you for all of your patience, here is a quick update with what I can share at this time:

We are in the process of rolling out a fix. There was an Arena issue with card generating effects not granting the minion cards into your hand. This does not occur in any game mode outside of Arena.


Я создал колоду на арену с существами дополнения “Возмездие теней”. В ходе игры карты , что должны давать прихвостней, не работали. Вернее, анимация боевого клича была, но самих прихвостней не было. Скриншоты есть. Хотелось бы компенсации, потому что проигрыш был.

It seems like a lot of people have had their arena runs ruined as a direct result of this bug. Are you planning to do anything to compensate them?


I have same problem in arena…
no lackeys after playing the rat, and of course, loosing play…


Same here + some drop outs after patch, I only had 4 lackey related cards so it basically ducked up my whole arena run, I would be happy for at least 1 arena run refund.

I purchased an arena ticket and selected a card that gives a random lackey to my hand when played. went second played 1 free mana and then this card but it didn’t give me a lackey as it should. may I please have an arena ticket so that I can make a new deck that hopefully works correctly?

I chatted with support about this issue… no refunds, you’re just f***ed
I do understand that, of course. But unfortunately we are unable to refund arena runs in Hearthstone…


at 20:00, Jun 4:

Now i have a bunch of gold saved up because i only play arena, but thats really hanky panky if you grinded just enough gold for 1 arena


at 20:01, Jun 4:

I do wish I had better news but unfortunately, we just can’t refund these regardless of the reason.


at 20:02, Jun 4:

I understand


at 20:03, Jun 4:

Hopefully they can have this issue resolved pretty quickly, at least.


at 20:03, Jun 4:

I think Blizzard could, but you can’t.


at 20:03, Jun 4:

So now i have to keep an eye on this forum thread

at 20:04, Jun 4:
And hop that all’s well now

at 20:04, Jun 4:

Fingers crossed. Is there anything else I can help with, though? while I am here?


at 20:04, Jun 4:



at 20:04, Jun 4:

What are other fun games to play?