People think something like World of Wacraft is almost exclusively massively multiplayer; this couldn’t be further from the truth; it’s filled with players who mainly seek the single player experience; or at least the game is filled with people who do BOTH single player and some minimal multiplayer.
Hearthstone has practically nothing now; the single player campaigns are practically abandoned; mercenaries is abandoned too and it wasn’t implemented that well anyway (e.g. LUDICROUS amounts of scrolling and loading)).
What if … “Paper Mario”-inspired Hearthstone, a “World of Hearthstone”.
Yeah, I miss the single player stuff, especially the dungeon run type. And I think it can be done quite easily. Make dungeon run a game mode with new seasons and/or anomalies, etc. Its replayable, without a lot of effort in developing. Its already there, just needs updating now and then.
What they need to do is expand the kobold dungeon runs to alternate with the seasonal variations (new bosses, mechanics), allow people to earn rewards (packs, avatars etc) based on individual or group play. Dungeons have alot of potential in parallel to the standard model, BG’s is good but we need something that follows a developing narrative along with standard to keep the communities interest because the current cycle has diminishing returns over short periods.
Its WoW related after all, dungeons are the end game dynamic but sadly its not incorporated to its fullest potential in hearthstone, alot can revolve around this with the right ideas.
There is that New game called the bazar and it is that.
It adds replayability by inserting other players characters as Bosses to your runs so while it is some sort of PvP It Works as single player content because it isn’t live PvP.
For hearthstone…
They have First to offer good value in what they get sold.
People would buy far more packs with money If the odds for cosmectic stuff weren’t so horrendous.
And the single player content could work as duels but without an actual opponent.
There’s enough single player content already and certain ones allows any deck to play with creating more fun with AI hero powers. Testing new decks against AI hero power is a good way to freshen up and learn before going to the battle of multiplayer since this is training. Creativity goes both ways.
For just testing technical stuff, I can go to a ranked format I don’t rank at, or others who bother to rank to all formats: they can go test at casual.
If you want to test very specific repetitive stuff then a new single player mode can be useful,
some kind of “custom opponent” format (that doesn’t give XP obviously).
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That’s another way to do it. I was more referring to the built in training grounds of adventures where every bosses train the player for rank because players will do it along with the decks. Learning all of the mechanics. A neat thing they created is a adventure full of puzzles that is all about the board and hand is the last one they did after that is dungeon runs.
The puzzle one is a challenge that cover advance way of handling difficult problem solving. Design for casual and pros. Fun watching pros being stump by it.
Would agree that most people play wow for the solo experience. I solo pug most of the time. Hearthstone solo content is fun and needs to be looked after by blizzard