Knights of the Frozen Throne adventure problem

Hello there.
I have a problem with knights of the frozen throne adventure. I just do not have this adventure. My account since 2013.

I sent a request to the Russian support and talked with GM Moalenara about this issue. She checked my game and got the problem up. As a test, she added two packs KFT to me, but it didn’t impart a solution. Adventure is not unlocked for me.

Maybe there are still players with a similar bug.
sorry english in not my native language.

Known issue:
Rotating Sets and Solo Adventure Availability

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Is there a predicted time that the solo adventures could come back? a friend showed me the game and i want to be able to play the rotated out solo adventures

I am not aware that they have announced any date for the fix. Hopefully with the next big content patch, for the Rise of Shadows adventure, which should be released soon.