Someone made a thread complaining about a player playing King Tide being played on turn followed by Tsunami on 5, and I explained what uncommon scenario this is for BSM to pull off, but I cannot find that thread anymore. Maybe it got taken down.
Anyways, ironically, I had two matches in a row today where I got to play an early Tide + Tsunami combo:
I am not trolling with my screenshots. I am just pointing that while the combo happens, it only happens in a low percentage of matches.
a) King Tide + Watercolor in hand,
b) King Tide + Tsunami in hand,
c) King Tide + Sunset in hand.
That’s a lot of flexibility for such a powerful combo - more than 20% of the deck is able to make it.
In fact, if it wasn’t interrupted by a Norgannon ability or Neophyte, it would be on the board more than 33% of the time, or something along those lines
EDIT: Yeah, less if only Tide + Tsunami are the topic, but I don’t see why we would differentiate the two - in game you’re happy to see any of the combos available
Of course, you are right at about all of those possible setup scenarios, but how often do you think BSM pulls off the combo without being countered? In other words, what percentage of BSM matches manage to play a turn 4 King Tide followed by a successful turn 5 Tsunami? Especially, since only the first player has such an option.
I was just trying to bring some perspective to a non-BSM player about how frequently the combo happens. BSM generally wins, if it’s going to win, by some other means.
Yeah, chances it won’t get interrupted in higher ranks are low, to the point where when it happens to you twice in a row, you know you’re highrolling and you can start playing greedy and aggressively cuz you know you’re just gonna win anyway xDD
That’s requiring a 2nd coin in hand meaning you’ve needed the minion that needs a 2 cost in hand to generate a coin, or the weapon that it could kill to generate a coin…all in hand and have been played prior to turn 4. Thats a helluva high roll… Im lucky to get anything i can play by turn 3 in my Bigger Spell Mage deck.
I have less of an issue with one specific combo and more that BSM has multiple ways to cheat out Tsunami on Turn 5. Every deck I build now has multiple tech cards to specifically counter this archetype. I’m not a huge fan of hard-running tech cards en masse, but right now it’s necessary if you want to win games. BSM is simply too popular and too consistent to build your deck like it doesn’t exist.
I personally LOVE the 4 mana worgen minion that repeats the last non rogue card played, its amazing to not only get out more of the tsunami or the big fire spell… but ive had incredible luck with using it to cheat out multiple copies of the Titan in the deck. which on one game I was able to get 3 of them on the same board at the same time thanks to one of the giving me a secret to grant a copy of the highest cost minion at the start of turn lol. Didnt even need a big spell combo or any of the high cost spells to be drawn yet. Just had a reduced cost titan to play earlier than usual (like turn 4?), cloned it from the worgen(turn 5), and the titan gave me that secret for yet another clone(turn 6)… bing bang boom. they concede lol.