King Mukla vs Death Speaker Blackthorn

Question, thoughts, BLIZZARD!! - Are you listening??
I see folks who don’t play quillboar capture Blackthorn because you can get a minimum +4/+4 every turn for your minions regardless of type.
But Mukla is providing minimum +1/+1 to everybody else and can get ham-strung with +2/+2 and usually does.


If Mukla is helping everyone why do you have him so nerfed???


Blizzard does not respond to the single player discussion forums. Also, Battlegrounds is multiplayer, but Blizzard doesn’t respond to that forum either

Mukla’s hero power is passive. Blackthorn needs to spend gold to get blood gems.

Butt wipe responses must be at least 20 characters? but a positive response of 10 characters isn’t good enough to post.
Blizzard you are a bunch of excrement!
Makke - good point …