Kill you from Hand Paladin

Killed on an empty board with full hp by ridiculously overbuffed charge minions? Can’t play control in the current meta? Nerf the paladin exclusive buff cards to only buff paladin cards, the issue, is resolved. Paladin will still be strong. Guaranteed still strong if they get a buff to shroomscavate or other cards. Shroomscavate kinda bad.

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Not exclusive to paladin. Also i recommend running some cards that get in the way of charge minions, can’t seem to recall what those cards are called though. :upside_down_face:


So like, the first few posts I’ve seen on the community forums, are about the issue of paladin handbuff, not any other class. So I’m just addressing the paladin exclusive buff cards which are the biggest problem. I haven’t seen any other class use the charge minions to kill you from full health on an empty board. I assume you are just one of the people that is playing that deck right now? You don’t have to say it bud.

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Pretty sure she is female.

I play Paladin, & Handbuff is my favorite build. I like that I don’t have any spells & only have minions. I think it’s strange that people try to play decks with no minions.