I am unsure what card is in my deck that is preventing me from playing standard, I also would enjoy changes recommended thanks.
Click “convert to standard” and see what it says. Looks like a standard deck to me, but if it’s labeled as a wild deck, you will need to relabel it.
Beaky said what I was gonna say.
As for the deck. That’s a pretty generic build.
I don’t mean that as an insult, just saying there’s nothing wrong with it.
I personally think Power of Creation is too slow, but it works out sometimes.
Take what I say with a large grain of salt, but based on how I was helped…
-1 Acidic Swamp Ooze
+1 Banana Buffoon
We’re not a very heavy weapon meta right now.
Almost nobody is playing game-breaking weapons.
Banana Buffoon allows you to play around Counter Spell.
Instead of just basically grabbing just anything off of Witchdoctor to get countered, and it also fills your hands with some crap for Astro and Giant.
Honestly, everything else is ok.
Power feels slow, and Alexstraza is very situational, which means sometimes dead in hand, and feels really bad to draw early game.
You could consider second Crowd Roaster for Power of Creation.
-1 Power of Creation
+1 Crowd Roaster
Reasoning mainly being more dragon synergy with Scaleworm/Witchdocter.
Otherwise, I feel like this deck desperately wants to run Kalecgos, 2x Power…
But yeah, I dig the Blast Wave tech for aggro, interesting add.
I definitely think you play Spellbreaker instead of Ironbeak Owl.
There’s really no reason to play a minion that will immediately die for free.
Anyways. Feel free to add me if you like. I’d love to play test and what not if you’re down.