Keli'dan aura bug

I was playing a game where I had a Transmogrifier on the board and the card I had drawn transformed into Keli’dan due to Transmogrifier’s effect. The aura around was the card was green, when normally if it’s effect would be active it’s aura is yellow which would signify that his ability would trigger and destroy all other minions instead of just one. I figured since he was transformed from a card that it would explain why his aura was green and that I could play him to destroy a single minion.

When I played Keli’dan, he destroyed all other minions. His aura was green and thus had indicated to me that this would not be the case.

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I’m not certain, but I think it shouldn’t have destroyed all minions?

If a minion that’s been sitting in the hand for several turns transforms into Keli’dan, does/should it count as being drawn that turn? If yes, then okay, besides his glow being inaccurate, he’s probably just looking at the number of turns he’s been in the hand (reset upon transformation) so his text would be wrong on a dozen other levels. But I’d assume they wouldn’t make a blunder that ridiculous, and that the card tracks being drawn as a positive property of being drawn, rather than a negative one of spending time in the hand.

More to the point, if a card is drawn then transformed into Keli’dan later on the same turn, does/should he count as being drawn that turn? I’d say if the above answer was no, then this should also be no, because with few exceptions, cards lose all properties and previous state information they had when they transform. Memory of passing through zones should be among those. Used to be a bug where transforming a minion played last turn into an elemental would activate “played an elemental last turn” cards. That got fixed.

So regarding this case - transforming “during” the draw. There was a semi-recent report that a minion which attacked into an Infectious Sporeling, transforming due to its effect, would be said to have already attacked that turn if given Rush or Charge afterward. Normally number of attacks made is reset too, but by transforming during the attack sequence, the increment happened afterward.

If Keli’dan actually does destroy only one minion in the above two cases, then something similar is happening here. Arguably consistent, but consistent with something that’s counterintuitive and very likely unintended. At the instant the draw happens, the transformation has yet to happen, so “drawn this turn” should only be true for the original card.

Due to the random nature of transforming stuff in the hand, it’d be a pain to verify which of the above behaviors is true. But I think there’s enough clarity in the wording and precedent for transformation effects to make a case for which behavior would seem most correct.