…using pally deck with no new cards since I’m F2P.
It seems you can’t run all standard cards, so both my deck and my opponents’ decks are likely not optimized. And I did get matched with people who spent money and used new expansion cards (read: their decks had much less time to refine).
One thing I got out of this is that I think I’m gonna hate Marin more. New legendaries will be in the pool. One game the taunt treasure gave me 2 copies of the shaman legeendary that drops as location. I had the location absorb the other treasure that discovers legendary. Opponent totally should have played around it.
Another game I filled my hand with con man. I could repeat the 10 mana pally spell that summons 5/5 pirates.
That long long chain of con men made me want to sing this song:
youtube .com/watch?v=pENpIU2WMMQ&pp=ygUNbG9uZyBsb25nIG1hbg%3D%3D
Yeah, the brawl can go badly for the p2w people, simply because you cant create cards:
I entered with a libram paladin with golden yriel, but i feel like i really missed the best libram which is the +3,+3 return to your hand, but that was the only one i dont get in packs… and finished 3/3…
I’m confused on mobile and am given no option to enter the brawliseum unless i buy the 79.99 bundle in the shop
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Ngl it’s a little pointless to have a pre-release event if I’m gonna face 3 pirate dhs back to back and die turn 4/5.
Not saying it should be any different, but it really is unfun.
I think the brawl is ill advised… sure they’ll get a little extra revenue from the ticket entries / gold spent… but on the otherhand for a lot of us the fun of the expansion is two people with experimental decks going up against each other and now you have to pay to do so as this brawl will let everyone figure out the most broken consistent decks to be spammed on day 1 of the expansion. This of course will lead to things getting stale even faster and its a long way away from the mini-set.
But they’re obviously smarter business people than me over there at blizzard so I presume the paid early access is worth the potential for staleness to set in early but I hope even then its not a new thing they do every expansion going forward.
Talk for yourself.
Sorry but what is fun is to try to surpass what sees play nowadays.
As for the brawl. After playing it i’m sure.
That brawl Fun but pointless If you try to paylock new cards.
And it is the entire opposite reason.
When you paylock new cards It turns out that the decks who miss the most are exactly the decks of who paid for pre orders because they will lack synergy cards.
The pay Lock is hilariously backfiring at people are actually trying the new cards and not the opposite.
With that said.
Who opens saarum probably hit the jackpot because it is a decks already built with a new card.
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I have like 50 tickets I need to burn anyway and I don’t want to support arena. This is likely my only chance to burn them unless they do this again.
I still think that the experimentation phase of the expansion has now been paylocked behind the arena mode.
Day 1 of the expansion people who have played no arena who are going out there and trying out an unoptimized fire elemental deck or whatever deck they want to play is going to be running into people who have played enough arena and have some optimized turn 6 murmur OTK deck thats been through a week of testing… Day 1 of the expansion is now a week into the expansion for most people.
Sure people dont have full new expansion collections right now and theres some cards missing from prior expansions but they still get enough playtime to know what is and isn’t going to work. If anything the current ruleset sounds a lot more fun than the regular ruleset and they’re requiring people to pay for the privilege which is blizzards choice as a company trying to make money… but I think it is short sighted and I’m not a fan of it.
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Which suggests that pay to win ain’t a thing.
If those people are losing this means you can get more for your Gold entering there and beating those decks.
So How exactly you can’t experiment with New cards ?
Just grind.
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Usually the most enjoyable period of an expansion for me is the first few hours where you can queue up against a variety of decks rather than the same 4 decks everyone is going to play for the next 3 months. This experience now costs 300 gold / 2 arena tickets / 400 runestones.
But you’re right I’m definitely the minority in this. I imagine day 1 everyone will just copy paste the hot new expansion deck list code from whatever website and be on their merry way brawl or no brawl.
And How exactly you experiment with anything without an opponent playing optimized decks?
This isn’t experimenting. It is filling your deck with BS and acting like you’re doing deckbuilding.
You don’t
I suppose the fun is in the journey rather than the destination… why even play hearthstone at all as its essentially designed to be a coin flip simulator.
A bunch of people exploring the expansion together for a day or two is a lot more fun then everyone just sitting around playing 4 deck roulette for the next 3 months.
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Hat said on reddit it’s a visual bug and they’re looking into it. Your first time is free.
The counter point is they’re giving perks to whales and those of us who don’t pay shouldn’t be upset about them helping out the people that make the game possible.
See? I like this. When they gave people who preordered access to cards early in standard, everyone cried, “PAY TO WIN!!!” so they moved it to a play around mode.
I think this is a good thing and I hope you have fun using your spare tickets and playing your new cards!
And you like to take the long road… the very long road that doesn’t go anywhere but gosh darn it you’re having fun!
I don’t want to travel with you, sorry. lol.
yay, i logged onto computer when i got home and was able to access the brawl.
one thing I think they should do for the next release is to allow us to go ahead and buy packs limit of 40 for this brawl, with our gold.
did get my six wins those with all old cards, but would have been funner to experiment with some of the newer ones.
That would defeat the entire purpose of the brawl… which was to give more perks to paying customers.
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If they do it exactly like this i really don’t care to pay anymore.
People don’t know even how to deckbuild for standard. Imagine building in a limited format with even more limited resources they have to gather as they play(even people who paid not have every card).
Didn’t buy the pre order and if blizzard continues this trend they’re basically giving the all expansion in the future for good deckbuilders for free.
It is really good deckbuilding appreciation here. I know they get their decks decent in a few days but 2/3 days( they still can’t craft cards so it isn’t easy) is time enough to farm a lot.
how ?you arent making any sense
people arent able to runthe cards from half the expansions well have on expansion release
or do you realy really think people will just stop running cards released on 2023
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Ok I get it I overestimated peoples enjoyment of the early experimentation phase of an expansion.
But for example this brawl will probably be the last time people seriously play starships… They dont look very good and adding back reno/yogg will definitely make them worse. So people who were looking forward to starship on starship deck battles will need to pay up now because no one is going to be bothering to experiment with them on launch.
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Wrong again.
It isn’t even the same metagame.
We are playing some kind of pioneer format if you put on the paper.
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