Just hit Legend in Classic

Rank 413.

I spent what…maybe 5 hours playing music, doing laundry and chores and made legend. I would say 6 people from gold on were humans. Hard to tell on a few to be honest.

There it is.

Edit: not sure how to post photos. I will post them or send them to anyone to show if need be. I got a few of them. What a joke.


Edit: forgot to take a photo of my rank. It is 418


What deck did you play?

Zoo lock. Ended last night around rank 380. Average game length was 4 minutes. If you look down you will see my other threads.

From gold 10 to legend there were maybe 6 real players.

There has to be anti-bot measures Blizzard can take. Correct? I am getting the impression bots are being intentionally ignored. There are players, on top of that, claiming that Blizzard is introducing bots of their own to standard and wild (and maybe other modes). This all may be a way to bolster active player numbers and player engagement.

Removes tinfoil hat.

They kinda do that on mercs, the highest rank players are actual bots who play 24/7.

Indeed. The bots players are proposing are unofficial (unannounced) bots. Is that illegal? That is, to introduce bots into Hearthstone’s various modes, to count those bots as active players and to count their engagement in order to bolster numbers for investors?

how many bots did you face? cause that requires lots of patience!

I wanted to test this. Played 15 games last night and seen no bots. Europe

It’s also a bit to do with the fact that you hit legend so early on in the month though, I friended a guy who was rank 4000 legend when I hit legend last month and he reached legend on like the 2nd or 3rd day of the new month and was rank 152, so it might end up looking like scrub legend tier at the end of the month.

I didn’t encounter nearly as many bots as you during my climb on the 30th of last month, maybe you could consider that lucky or unlucky, but free ride to legend, why not?

A lot I guess.

I started Bronze with maybe 4 stars? Every game in bronze was a real player. Silver 10 to 5 were all real players. That was slow going and I even made a thread about it. I reasoned that due to it being early in the month and how known the bots in classic are, people were trying for easy legend.

Silver 5 to 1 were half and half maybe? Don’t remember now. I was definitely seeing bots after silver 5 though.

Then I hit gold 10. I wanted to know if it was real players or bots. I was suspecting real players because reddit blew up last month about easy legend run in classic so I figued people were going to go for it. From gold 10 to legend it was all bots except 6 games (so lots of bot games). 2 or 3 of those 6 real players may have been bots, it was hard to tell.

Bots were easy to identify for the most part. They almost always coin and do nothing, always go face and have almost all the exact same cards that the net deck doesn’t use and they are all low cost (1 mana) or charge.


Seeing if I can upload some pics here… you will have to put them together.

  1. ht

  2. htt

  3. ht

  4. ht
    tps://imgur.com/a/45MofRT (finished at 49 straight)

Those were some snap shots from that night.