Jerry Rig Carpenter draws 0 mana versions of Hidden Oasis

I made a reddit post showing this bug in how when Jerry Rig Carpenter draws Hidden Oasis it causes to split into two 0 mana cards instead of 6 mana.

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According to the wiki, the choices from Hidden Oasis cost 0 mana.

Probably an oversight. Cenarius’ Choose One cards cost 8 mana, despite Cenarius costing 9 mana.

For the love of God, please fix this and ban the players who are clearly abusing this oversight on ladder. It’s so frustrating to lose against this turn 1 or 2.

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I can confirm after testing this does occur, if jerry rig carpenter draws hidden oasis, both cards cost 0 instead of 6.
the worst instance is if somone goes second, they can play ring and jerry rig carpenter turn 1 and then solar eclipse and a free 6/6 taunt giving them a 2/1 and two 6/6 taunts on turn 2. Even if they get it out mid game the value is disabling.

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Commenting for visibility. Please fix. Genuinely being abused by many

a hearthstone dev abused the maxima cthun bug


Team-5: stacked with 4th string benchwarmers.

6 days and no hotfix or disable card or something, the worst people abusing it in game will have 0 punishment like the cthun bug what a joke company