It's funny how underrated 8 Hands From Beyond is

People think it’s a dud when it’s probably the most powerful card released in years; they think it’s a dud because they imagine the opponent is going to have a deck full of yoggs and marins and it’s going to be so hard to deal with those yourself; they misunderstand what decks even exist in this game.

The reality is that tons of decks in this game are filled with low cast cards that draw a lot and synergize a lot; if you just delete most of them and leave 8 the deck is approximately useless; they might as well just concede when all they can do is “draw the rest 7” and other useless interractions.

I hope I discover it first thing when I open packs both in gold and in normal versions,

because it will be nerfed faster than anything unless they do it pre-release.


I think it’s definitely stronger than people realize, but mainly as a fatigue options for Triple Blood.

By the time you play this on turn 7 or 8, many classes are down to 10-16 cards left in the deck. This essentially does nothing to them.

And if you draw this later, it also is a big nothing burger for most matchups. It’s going to really hurt those Druid, Reno Shaman and upcoming Warrior decks and Shaman asteroid decks, decks that Blood DK would likely normally lose to.

But I think they real thing that makes this good is that you can discover it. That alone will do a lot of things, especially if you discover it and you’re running a Reska deck. It’s all about that discover IMO.

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I love cards that affect both players.

I never underestimated it. In fact, I thought it could bring back a Blood Control list for Death Knight.

When I first saw it, I was actually surprised it wasn’t 3 Blood Runes, since it perfectly fits the theme.

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I mean you just have to tech kiljaeden in your deck…sure DK will have the upperhand due to being able to curate their top 8 cards vs an opponent who may not. I mean most decks – the OTK/aggro decks should already be there by turn 8 anyway so it should have limited impact on those.

Im not quite sure what decks you’re targeting with the 8 hands though… The slower decks will just get into an RNG fight with kiljaeden as mentioned… Warlock will still have sarg or even wheel to counter you if slower decks become a thing + massive synergy with their demon army.

I guess mabye some midrange type decks like elemental whatever might find itself annoyed but while they have certainly received some support in the expansion history hasn’t been favorable for tribal decks being competitive.

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They might be trying to setup a rock paper scissors balance with Kil’jaeden also being in the same expansion.

Kil’jaeden obviously don’t care about 8 hand effect
Kil’jaeden decks however rely on random demons so they may lose to decks with fixed combos and win cons that are faster/more consistent
But then those decks might die to 8 hands or just general blood DK doing the control game knowing what to remove and disrupt.

Though even if that’s the plan, remember plans don’t always work out.

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Eh, I don’t really have much/any real hype for it.

By turn 8, it’s not going to be deleting much. If you don’t get to play it exactly on 8, it deletes even fewer cards. Eventually it starts doing actually nothing when played.

Deleting cards not yet drawn is one of the weakest things you can do in hearthstone, and in value grindy matchups, where deleting cards might be relevant, you generally aren’t touching their value bombs they hope to be closing the game out with.

Plus the thing is double blood, which already has a lethality problem, so you don’t even really benefit from your own deck being narrowed to your value bombs as they are probably weaker than your opponents’

I just don’t really see much of an application for it at the moment.


You can play it on 6 paying corpses can’t you?


This costs 8 mana, man. Most decks with a low curve that would care about having the bulk of their synergy deleted will be close or about to kill you by the time you get to play this card, unless you combo this with that corpse spender legendary. And that’s only if you find this by then. The further from turn 8 you get the bigger dud this is.

It’s a control card and a combo counter. It will see plenty of play, I’m sure, but not something to be fussed about.

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You can, but does it really matter? Average game length is not that much longer than turn 6, and having 8 cards left in deck is hardly an emergency for anything.

You’ll have cards until turn 12-14 still.

Also there are waaaay scarier things to play on turn 6 than this thing.

…warrior with its 8 cards left meaning it will easier to get boomboss brann and reno

and playing it vs odyn may backfire

It’s going to be a calculated risk. Sure it won’t delete Odyn but it might delete a lot of the armor gain cards they use to OTK you if they don’t have them in hand. I think this might be a situational card that you play to cripple certain decks.

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The Dk using this card gonna have to have stuff they want to draw with it too. Otherwise it’s a bad card.

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The point of the OP is that while warrior with 8 cards exists, there’s also rogue with 8 cards that do nothing without the rest of the deck (it’s at least decks-of-the-meta depended).

I suspect it will be hard to not be >50% lethal in all rank brackets in the hands of good pilots because the player can plan their hand for its use while the opponent is unprepared.

… we don’t know yet what the next meta will look like, so it doesn’t make sense to speculate yet whether or not 8 hands from beyond will work well or not.