It's a giant bug!

A troll player found a bug in your system, fix it there !! I’m Brazilian, you there that try to understand the image!

When he summoned the 3 cards I had 30 life, then the game bugged !! The card “Wretched Tiller” was hitting straight, and I died with -16 life !!

What did he do:

  1. He invoked the card: “Wretched Tiller”;
  2. He invoked the card: “Deathspeaker” and gave immunity to the “Wretched Tiller”.
  3. He invoked the card: “Deathspeaker” and gave immunity to the first “Deathspeaker”.

Summary of the work: “Wretched Tiller” was immune to damage and the damage detection system did not work and the card kept hitting infinitely and in effect it was giving me 2 direct damage! Die with -16, that’s a bug !! It’s a giant bug !! (I have a saved image and the unfortunate name appears there! How do I show the image to you ??)

(In the image, the three cards have ZZZ, indicating that they were summoned in the same turn as the opponent !!)

(If you don’t fix this then I’ll get to the legend with this cheap bug there !!)


It’s not a bug, he cast the new card Hysteria on the Tiller. The interaction works as expected.

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Its literally an exploit. We need a hotfix RIGHT NOW because its breaking Wild right now!


How’s it an exploit? It’s just a broken interaction

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It is not a bug, but in ranked in wild mode, the priest I dispute always go with this deck there! So I was pissed and went to try to build a deck of that and it worked !! Delicious!! I already see the legendary rank !!

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exploiting an unintended interaction = exploit?
This is clearly not intended.


How do I delete this post? I thought it was a bug but it wasn’t.

Dumb comment. Dude seriously doesn’t care if the game is broken as long as it’s not a “bug”.

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The bug report board is for squashing bugs. If people are simply reporting things that affect the game balance in a way they dislike, it will clutter up the board and make addressing actual bugs more difficult. It is not a statement on which is more important; I have my own opinions on game balance as well. But it’s best to stay on topic here


do you have a source for this "its unintended " claim ?

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It’s 100% unintended because we’re talking about wild cards which they never look at. You can tell it’s unintended because it’s a 4 card 10 mana infinite damage otk which doesn’t exist outside of this new interaction/exploit. Most OTKs would need 7-9 cards and/or previous setup of conditions which this does not.

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It’s absolutely an exploit. You can have 10,000 health and seven 1000/1000 Divine Shield/Taunt minions, and you will still lose as this grants an infinite number of auto attacks until you are dead with -16 health.

There are players working up the ladder towards Wild Legend using this exploit (I’m looking at you Wraith).

Totally unsat.


its a intended interaction, that being said its not a fun one

no exploit or bug

a immune minion atking another immune minion, forever

if they didnt want it to happen, they would have made it so it couldnt happen

Nope, caps at 30 cycles (60 damage) like most Hearthstone Cards (Defile, Bladestorm,…).
You land at -16 if you start at 44.
Not a bug, but way to consistent to pull it of. So should be balance fixed.

I wonder if an immune minion should ever be chosen as attack target.

in yugioh, monsters that are uneffected by card effects can still be targets for effects

so using that card game logic, i dont see why not

Why would the rules of an entirely different game apply to anything in Hearthstone? As much as I recall the Misdirection secret never redirects you into an immune minion, so Hysteria doing that might actually count as bug.


why do we even call them cards? i mean they arent even real

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This may be not a bug but at the end of the day this tricks intended or not is making the game unfair since everyone should just get those cards and play them to win. This is a boring situation. That said i think that the guy that found this exploit is still brilliant just as a hacker could have done it.

Being able to cast Hysteria on an immune character doesn’t make sense since it can’t die. When a character is immune, it should be also immune to magic etc. which may solve this unbalanced condition.

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