It IS way past time to nerf/ban spectral pillager!

Turn 4-5 kills, too consistent in wild. ZERO interaction.

I suggest it is completely banned from said format. No real nerfs need just a straight ban.

It plays itself, in fact my 9 year old made diamond 10 so far in wild using it after watching how it was played 3 times and explained. I expect him to hit legend with it within a day or 2 of his computer time on HIS account that HE crafted the cards with!

Ban it. If a 9 year old can easily do this…

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I almost made this thread yesterday… it’s a stupid combo and will constantly end the game on turn 5. I don’t know how to counter it. Dirty rat doesn’t do anything, you can’t mutanus since you don’t have time, it’s just a dumb deck. If you don’t have a hyper aggro deck, you just lose.

I just accept it’s busted and move on. All those matches will be losses. It’s like a much faster Time Warp Mage.

Just nerf shadow step to: you can’t play the minion the same turn, would still be a good card since you keep the reduction…

Even the best Hearthstone players have bad games sometimes, don’t sweat it! This is a fantastic game with endless strategies and endless opportunities to learn and improve. Just take a break, come back refreshed and ready to play your best! And remember, Hearthstone is just a game, don’t let it stress you out.

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They don’t ban wild-exclusive cards from wild. If it’s dealt with at all, it’ll be by a nerf. But yes, once again shadowstep is being problematic (almost as though this has happened since beta…).

I’m genuinely convinced this is a bot now. A lot of what this account says isn’t even directed back or answering any of the initial statements. It would be really hard to detect these patterns if they weren’t coming from the same account name, however having 0 post accounts do this would raise red flags and if I saw an account with 100+ posts create a new post then I’d definitely notice if it surfaced out of thin air. I think maybe if they programmed it to say something negative about the game every 1/10 posts, it would be near untraceable.

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