It is past time to remove Reno Jackson from Wild

I genuinely don’t believe Reno has ever been a problem in Wild.

Zeph, that’s another story.

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They should remove Reno Jackson and all of the Highlander Cards…

from Arena and Arena rotations.

Reno is fine.
There are plenty Other cards in wild which shaked the Meta in barrens, Conviction (handbuff paly), Spring Water (Mozaki, Flamewaker), murlocs (for shaman).
The only of these 4 Meta decks Reno is maybe usefull is murloc shaman, of u manage to survive until turn 6.

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All the Highlander cards are broken if you can successfully run enough duplicate and bounce - Zola, Seance, Duplicate, Cheat Death, etc. etc. etc. You haven’t really enjoyed Wild until you’ve gone up against someone who can Reno you six times in a match if necessary. :+1:t3:

Still don’t think Reno’s an issue, though. I’ll take Reno six times a match any day over Zeph six times a match.

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That’s probably one of the few cards that still keeps aggro a bit back lol.
Aggro has so much power today in wild that reno is not enough and I also add greater healing potion. Against secret mage you need to heal around 40-60 health to survive. Removing the only card that manage to fight against such decks is a bad idea.

Onlineritter: not exactly sure how your post is related to mine

regarding tech cards…i do NOT have accurate data but my guess would be if you put too much tech cards againts a specific deck(for say 4-5 its MAYBE possible that algorymth decrease your chance of said match up)…DO NOT TREAT IT AS FACT…its not something i checked

TheReplay: Reno is uncommonly played more than once(twice is very rare)…if someone end up using reno 3 time they are generally in a situation they cant recover from…not rly sure why you got a bone to pick with Zephrys though XD…he doesn’t create unwinnable situations like loatheb(20+ Legendaries mage with pocket galaxy)…glare lock…or even Tickatus wreck entirety of value

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What no way, wild is wild man.

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It is 100% an op card. It needs to have it’s mana requirement increased at least 1 point.

Players also using the minion that gives a golden copy of the the card now too making it a ridiculous combo.

I get wild, anything goes but a full heal for 6 mana is just not right. I would be happy if they increased the mana by at least 1 for balance.

That sounds like a really cool idea. I feel it’d be better as a neutral battlecry that read something like:
“Your opponents healing deals damage on their next turn”

That way it’d be effective at countering healing while also allowing some counterplay too

I feel a card like that would be best as a neutral so it was available to all classes. I’m open to the idea of neutral spells as well though.

Zephyrs is the only reason I want to play wild. It’s far from an auto-win card. In my opinion it’s one of the most skill testing cards in the game. You can play it in almost any scenario for tempo, a clear, a finisher, etc. The skill comes in knowing when it is best to play it in any given match.

YGO has some cards like that, that would be fun to see in this game as well.

First of all, let me say I don’t play constructed in 2 years and have no idea what the meta looks like

However if there is one thing that has always been true in hearthstone is that health doesn’t win games, so even if your opponent is healing every turn, if you have the board, you have the game

If this reno priest from today meta is similar to the reno priest of frozen throne meta, I can tell that the problem cards are raza and anduin hero

Reno mage was irrelevant in my time, so I don’t know about it


are we just ignoring the fact that OP predicted the UiS wild meta?

Memorizing a very limited pool of cards does not equal skill, just rote memorization. Presumably we’ve all made it past grade school so it’s safe to say we all have this “skill”

Regardless this post really didn’t age well lol, last I checked there were two OTK decks in wild T1

If team 5 were to nerf Reno now I would call for some investigation into substance abuse over at ol hearthstone HQ :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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It’s knowing when to play it. It’s okay if you dont understand, I feel nuance might be lost on you. Being Salty about losing to it isn’t a determination of the skill-cap of the card.

For example, often it is correct to use it for something like power of the wild, Edwin or soul of the forest early to mid game. Or maybe for a hex to mess up the rez pool. A lot of players won’t do this and try to save it for a blood lust, fireball or a board clear being greedy.

Pretty much. Doesn’t have anything to do with Reno being a beloved card. Blizz would be foolish to remove it from Wild.


Battlecry, deal 2 damage for every 1 health restored last turn.

Very old subject anyway.

Nowadays i would just say to people to setup lethal from a decent range rather than slowly chip the opponent.

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Or you’re just overly proud of yourself for your reliance on a single card. I played zeph too, any deck capable of quickly cycling did regardless of whether it was highlander- and it won plenty of times for me all on its own.

My biggest gripe with it is that it completely negated the need for tech. You could use it to silence, destroy weapons, hex, not just board clear or deal damage. The point you seem to have missed is that it was TOO good. I hated winning using that card just about as much as I hated losing to it.

You seem to think you need to be a genius to win games using zeph. Well, as a non-genius who nonetheless used zeph to great effect, I can tell you I do NOT miss zeph’s prevalence in standard- and I wouldn’t miss it if it were banned from wild either, although I wouldn’t call for it either(zeph/highlander is currently FAR from prevalent)

I never said I was reliant on it, I said it has a high skill ceiling. Sure it is a powerful card, but it is more powerful if you know how to use it situationally.

Good highlander decks dont rely on a single card to win even if it is possible to cheese wins with the highlander cards.

Standard tech cards are boring because they are purely reactive and geared to stop one particular thing. Zephyrs is fun and dynamic because it can be whatever you need it to be. You have to know what you need it to be though because it isn’t always clear. Also it can be proactive or reactive while tech cards are purely reactive

That’s exactly why it’s not a healthy card.

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