It is past time to remove Reno Jackson from Wild

Like many people, I love highlander decks. They are 1 of the archetype that has been a delight for many years. I honestly even like Reno jackson. It has been a staple of many of my own highlander decks from priest, to mage, to warlock, and now even more diverse highlander decks are starting to come onto the scene.

However the meta becomes stale and there is almost always at least 1-2 highlander decks in the top of the wild meta. Even now priest and mage highlander decks are deeply rooted in the legend ranks and do not seem to be going anywhere as new expansions keep adding new tools to the archetype.

With that being said, I think it is time for reno to go. There are plenty of other useful tools in the highlander archetype that will still keep the decks viable. But the idea of being able to endlessly bounce reno across the board for full health while also having these other massive threats at your disposal is starting to get old, boring, and downright annoying.

If more B tier decks didn’t have to worry about constant reno spams happening, the meta would shake up and become far more diverse. Highlander would still very much be potent with all the other weapons included in these decks. Many games do indeed go into the win slot for highlander decks without ever drawing reno. But none the less there is simply too many ways to not only duplicate, but repeatedly abuse reno in wild.

It is starting to feel like rag did back in the day before they put him in the hall of fame. When for so long 1 card becomes a staple of too many decks and gets considerable abuse and can cause such a huge swing in win rate, It breeds staleness.

I for one love reno but I think it is time to retire him.


nah. Yes, i agree that it’s getting old, but that’s not a good reason to remove something from wild. It’s the format where everything is gonna be available for ever, of course you shouldn’t play the format if you don’t wanna face or play things that “have gotten old”


with that logic then rag should have never gone to hall of fame. the hall of fame was made for a reason. If all other archetypes are shaken down and forced in and out as new expansions bring new archetypes to life, then the same should happen to highlander. it needs pruned. or reno should become a 10 cost last resort card or something. It is simply over played and over abused.

We could use some techs against healing in the game.

Maybe even something hilarious powerful against reno like:

2 mana
Poisoned water
Secret: When your opponent tries to heal an character make the spell do damage instead.


Yes, to remove cards from Standard. Wild is supposed to have all cards in it.


hall of fame had nothing to do with standard. it was a check and balance on wild.

You don’t know what the Hall of Fame was, do you.


Renault Jackson shouldn’t have been released. This is one of the nastiest cards ever released in the game!

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something having gotten old is good enough reason to remove it from standard, but not from wild

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I watched a Reno Priest back in the day accidentally drop Reno while his Auchenai Soulpriest was on the board. I think we were both amused by that.


Yeah, let’s remove cards from play in the format designed to have all cards in play.

If he becomes problematic nerf him, but until then quit yer whining and let me have my reno fun.


You can just play the badluck bird


The only toxic reno deck currently in the meta is reno priest. And reno is NOT the card that makes that deck toxic.

Also as far as toxic decks go, well, I’m far more concerned with the flamewalker mage at the moment!

hall of fame was design for standard

second no…i think you have no clue of aggro deck power…even reno recovering at 2-6 health remaining on 6 dont entirely prevent dying from aggro

gotta be lucky to even survive to reno turn

3 you got tools to disable reno
Darkness(all classes)
Albatros(all classes)

and if reno get disabled then guess wut…no recovery…Khartut Defender rarely is enough

go try a Reno deck yourself and see for yourself if he will save you everytime(especially if you come accross someone disabling him)

EDIT: face Dark Glare lock and see if reno save you from 30 dmg from spell and board on turn 5-6 :S

then there is that apm deck with flamewaker and Tickatus warlock burning all your stuff


Reno Jackson is mandatory to have a chance against aggro decks. Even with it you usually die before turn 6


Bad idea. the game gets faster and faster. Most of the time it does not even last to turn 6. And even so, you play your Reno, then the opponent deals 16 damage next turn, it was useless. Long ago, Reno was my favorite card, but I haven’t played it in wild since a long time.

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The salt from aggro players is ridiculous…


Because of Reno Jackson you have to find a deck or craft a deck powerful enough to do 30 damage in one turn. I don’t find that to be healthy for the game personally speaking. I feel like 30 damage on turn 7 is OP but without 30 damage in one turn it’s basically “gg” unless you are playing a fatigue deck.

Don’t you know as soon you pick tech cards vs one deck you will not encounter that deck/tactic anymore.

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They’d have to rework the whole of the wild meta. Without Reno aggro would run amok. With all the nonsense combo decks around (looking at you Mage) aggro is already the only optimal choice. Highlander decks are somewhat competitive but only relatively few can afford them, and they’re being increasingly marginalised by the meta.

Before the unnerfs and the emergence of Flamewanker Mage recently I might have agreed with you.