Issues with german localization

Many cards in the new set have localization issues.

  • Pile of Bones’ text contains a “<” and misspells “Todesröcheln” as “Todesrtöcheln”.
  • Kutrus , Badlands Spirit and Doctor Holli’dae’s wording is incosistent with other singleton cards. The first two use “Duplikate” instead of the usual “Karte mehrfach”. Holli’dae uses “doppelten Karten”.
  • Messenger Buzzard says it has a battlecry, but it’s actually a deathrattle.
  • Lay Down the Law says “Gesundheit” intead of “Leben” for “health”, which is inconsistent with other cards.
  • Living Horizon’s says “zweite” instead of “andere” for “other”, completely changing the text’s meaning.
  • Dart Throw’s text is tiny and illegible.
  • Furnace Fuel uses says “verworfen” instead of “abgeworfen” for “discard”, which is inconsistent with other cards.
  • Shell Game, Miracle Salesman and Pop’gar say “Holt Euch” instead of “Erhaltet” for “get”, which is inconsistent with other cards.
  • Blast Tortoise says “verwundet” instead of “fügt ~ Schaden zu” for “damage”, which is inconsistent with other cards.
  • Badlands Brawler says “Kartenchaos” instead of “Scharmützel” for “Brawl”, which makes no sense.
  • Dryscale Deputy says it gives you copy of itself instead the drawn spell.
  • Saloon Brewmaster’s text is different from Bog Slosher, despite the cards having the exact same effect.
  • Linedance Partner doesn’t specify that the other card needs to be in your hand.
  • High Noon Duelist says it destroys the less valuable card instead of the lower cost one.
  • Azerite Chain Gang should be called “Azeritzwangsarbeiter” instead of “Azerit-Kettenbande”, since it’s supposed to echo Saronite Chain Gang.
  • Ogre-Gang Ace says it gives you divine shield or lifesteal instead of itself (And the attack trigger is also worded weirldy).
  • Reno, Lone Ranger uses the translation wrong translation of “Ranger” (Where’s the forest?).
  • The flavor texts of many cards are completely nonsensical due to being directly translated from english.

I hope that, in the future, these types of issues are adressed prior to release. It’s very disappointing to see the quality the german localization decrease so much with each new expansion.


If you notice even more mistakes please feel free to post them in this thread. I’ve also accumulated some errors. Hopefully they will get fixed before the release of the expansion.

Und nochmal auf Deutsch: