Issue with "Darkmoon Faire's Frightful Fantasy" Quest Timing

Hello Hearthstone Support Team,

I’m writing to report an issue with the “Darkmoon Faire’s Frightful Fantasy” event regarding the timing of one of the quests.


The quest “Infested Coaster” requires summoning or destroying 25 Imp minions for a reward of 1200 XP. However, the quest is marked as “Available in: 6 days,” while the event itself ends in just “6 days 1 hour.” This means that by the time the quest unlocks, there’s barely any time left to complete it, making it difficult for players to earn the reward.


Since the quest unlocks so close to the event’s end, it’s nearly impossible for players to finish it in time, which affects the overall event experience and the ability to earn rewards.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open Hearthstone and go to the “Darkmoon Faire’s Frightful Fantasy” event page.
  2. Locate the “Infested Coaster” quest in the list.
  3. Notice that it says “Available in 6 days,” while the event ends in 6 days and 1 hour.

Suggested Fix:

Could the team consider adjusting the quest timing or extending the event to make sure players have enough time to complete it? Clearer information on quest timings relative to the event’s duration would also help players plan better.

Thank you for looking into this. I appreciate all the efforts the Hearthstone team puts into improving the game.

This is their solution, posted 23 hours ago