Is this game dead or is just me? (Rant)(Wild)

Like serious what are these decks anymore? What is this power creep, Blizzard? Who designs these cards? You guys need to start thinking about Wild more. A game ending turn 4, not from a concede, but because you just lose isn’t fair gameplay.


  1. Shaman having a turn 4 Neptulon or a 4/16 with Rush, Lifesteal, AND Mega-Windfury!
    Or even getting Thunderbringer turn 4 turning into a Glugg AND a Walking Mountain! (That’s 16 mana worth of stuff for 4 mana AND dodging 2 overload)
    How is this okay? How is this fun?

  2. Pirate Rogue is out of control. 1 mana 1/2 pirate that give it and a pirate that enters +1 attack EVERYTIME??? What a 1 drop! Creating a turn one board of a 4/2, a 3/2, and a 2/1 all without even a coin??? THAT’S JUST STUPID! AND let’s not even talk about the about the 2 drop Toy Boat that gets rid of the entire issue pirate decks have always had when you go blarg to fast…

Also I call this NO BRAINS ROGUE! all the 1 drop draw a card spells and the 0 cost tools at Rogues disposal to cheat an Arcane Giant into play TURN 4…just 1 I wouldn’t have an issue with but when you get 4 and 2 of them have rush! AGAIN TURN 4!!! COMPLETE BS!

  1. Druid is still managing to play Solitaire with Auctioneer despite being 7 mana because they get there turn 4 or 5 anyway. With so many 0 and 1 costs card druid has that gain mana, you gain mana AND draw a card! WTF is this game!?!?

  2. Paladin…just Paladin UGH! Either dome you for 20+ damage turn 5, or Turn 5 have an old Y’Saarj, a 7/7 Taunt AND a Neptulon, or Turn 6 kill you with Uther’s Hero Power.

Not to mention all these decks could be played by bots because they require NO skill.
Seriously what is this power creep!?

I understand Blizzard doesn’t care about Wild and they have said they dont look at old cards when they make new but it is causing a lot of issues and with the power creep as of late it just gets worse. New standard cards shouldn’t be allowed in wild without testing of how they work with the older cards.

Or maybe Wild shouldnt have cards that are in the standard rotation, so when a set rotates out of standard someone can watch its performance in wild and nerf/buff cards accordingly to Wild’s requirements.

This is currently just out of hand and makes a very frustrating play experience. Rant over.


I Play Uther Pala an Lot, and a fast kill with it is a highroll that Not often Happen.

You have to Ramp on 4, uther on 5, OTK on 6.

Without dying to Aggro, or lose a Combo piece TU Rat or Theotar.

And Draw it, in a 40 Card Deck.

This Happens once in 50 Games.

ITS Not only the Buff Pirat, you have the Boat, Gearshift, Secret Passage, Buffs for the weapon or Minion.

Shadow Priest is hard too, bitbita you manage to Clear the Board 1-2 Times, he runs Out of Minions.

Wild is Not funny anymore, but Standard and BG too :man_shrugging:

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they care, look how they nerfed time warp and created even more problems in wild than before.

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IF they even remotely cared, which they f***ing don’t, a wide swath of OTK enablers with Druid and Rogue would be nerfed, and Questline Warlock would be considered a meme deck. However, since the bulk of developers who have come and gone have been Druid and Rogue mains, they wouldn’t dare nerf anything that would affect their precious favorites.

Your deck being obsolete don’t mean the game is dead, it means you should probly wanna look into crafting/netdecking a stronger deck, if you wanna win anyway.

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I agree here.

I recently made the climb to legend in wild and there’s absolutely a point where you need to play meta to keep climbing, but up to that point I could play all sorts of fun things with the occasional meta deck coming by to blow me up.

There’s plenty of space to play for fun in wild, but you have to just keep spamming bad decks until your mmr drops.