Is there any reason to play anything other than DK?

The game is currently completely dominated by one DK deck. At least half of all games I play are against that deck. It is clear that nothing else is close in win rate. Surely the devs see it and know it, and yet they’ve allowed it to persist into a new expansion. What kind of game design is that?

DK is far from the best class right now. It took a hit when plagues stopped being a counter to highlander cards. It’s still playable, but most classes have decks doing better in the meta right now


Then why is it being used in at least half of all games I play? It is the most used deck by a massive margin.

Because you play trash ranks and it’s easy to pilot.

The deck gets destroyed by most competent players using remotely refined decks.


What do you consider a trash rank? Everything below Legend? Because it’s happening all the way up through Diamond.

Are you really trying to tell me that 50% of diamond is plague dk?

I’m anxious to see that VS report because that would be something. More than mage ever hit.

But if it’s really that much, you should switch to spell hunter because you can then farm the plague decks.

I mean, anything less than D5 is participation trophy ranks. Just playing your minimum games for weekly ranked quests each week should get you to diamond each month provided you maintain a WR over 50%.

According to HSReplay, Plague DK popularity peaks at about 10% play rate in Gold and steadily declines as you climb higher. Most people complain that they run into Warriors or Hunters as they have much higher play rates that increase as you climb the ladder


Which was the genesis for my observation that it’s easy to pilot and run often in trash ranks… I assumed it was gold tier players based on the specific complaint.

Do those stats include any variation on it, or if one card isn’t the same as the net deck, is it excluded? Because there is no way it’s that low.

it’s very simply–play card that glows green

it’s also one of the f2p decks and the most viable out of the gate f2p deck

this means despite having a fairly awful winrate (I believe it’s 45% in diamond and worse in legend) it’s around 30% of the ladder.

30% might be believable. Considering that there are 11 classes, balanced game design would see 9% for each.

It’s for Plague DK only, which is the class’s most popular archetype. Rainbow exists as well at about 2-4% throughout the ladder, and there are a few others with even lower play rates

Yeah, but how is the deck defined? If they’re shuffling as many plagues as possible into your deck, that is the same thing even if there are variations of the deck.

If you are facing a DK, it will be considered one of the following archetypes for tracking popularity. This is the chart for Gold

Plague Death Knight - 11.5%
Rainbow Death Knight - 2.8%
Control Death Knight - 1.2%
Unholy Death Knight - 1.6%
Rainbow Handbuff Death Knight - 0.4%
Other - 3.2%

Looking through the classes, Plague DK is the most popular deck in Gold. Highlander warrior gets close with 9.9%, then spell token hunter with 7.6%. Nothing else even comes close

The stats are never up-to-date, he made a thread an hour ago, those stats definitely haven’t been compiled and updated yet.

It’s enough that a few people got tilted by DK and started playing it to start an infestation in such lower ranks xD

All of this is incredibly wrong. It’s about 47% winrate and about 5% popularity at Diamond 4-1. (No Legend stats at all, Raymond.)

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I was at Diamond 3 when I made this post. I think the stats being given here are faulty. I can believe it has a 47% win rate (although it doesn’t make sense that it would be so overused if it wasn’t above 50%), but the usage is way higher than 5%. I’m not talking about one specific net deck where all 30 cards are identical. I’m talking about decks that use the same base cards, with any variations. As long as they’re spamming plagues, it counts in this statement.

This is D4 - D1 in the past 24 hours.

We’re not being overrun by DKs…


Maybe you’re seeing a ton of them because you’re supposed to beat them and climb… like you lost to a couple good decks so it’s putting your win on a tee…because they should be free wins unless you’re playing something too weak to be playing at D4 and below.

Well, unfortunately the data I have TODAY for population admittedly isn’t a random sample. I’m assuming that Plague DK players are as likely to have a deck tracker installed as any other archetype (which would make sense, you’d want to track the Plagues in the opponent deck). But there is potential selection bias in the sample that might (or might not) make it significantly off from reality.

Vicious Syndicate uses a method that corrects for this problem, and they usually put out reports on Thursdays. So we’ll have much higher confidence tomorrow. But it’s pretty rare for even HSR to be off by more than 2% or so (not saying it’s never happened).

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