Is there a minion push card?

there are many cards that will push spells into opponent’s decks but i haven’t seen anything that will push minions. idk if i am searching by the wrong keywords or if it doesn’t exist.

i thought something like that could slow down spell-only decks or possibly no-duplicate decks. (i am looking at you reno and brann) :stuck_out_tongue:

half-baked idea?

This won’t work in standard or against standard no-duplicate cards because they check the condition at the start of game, but it is possible in wild to turn off some no-duplicate cards with Bad Luck Albatross

too bad. even putting minions in spell mage decks would reduce the bonus damage from no-minion spells.

i started playing about 10 weeks ago and i started with Wild. i soon switched to standard because my collection wasn’t wild enough lol.

I still can’t figure out why i see these big spell mage or highland decks bottom-feeding at platinum 8-10 ( and before that in gold). is it feeding egos who can’t play higher even with big decks? do they tank MMR or is it as bad as wow’s mmr?

Rare · Minion · Descent of Dragons · Deathrattle: Shuffle two 1/1 Albatross into your opponent

Wild card though.

Spell mage yes but thanks to the recent wording change on no duplicate cards it won’t affect them. As for the answer to your question, the only thing that comes to mind in standard is king plush hunter card but even that requires minions on thier battlefield which they can and do for a portion of the match. Still, it wouldn’t be reliable enough to craft for that for that specific situation.