Is it worth it to buy Karazhan as a mostly Standard Ladder Player

I mostly play standard ladder and was wondering if Karazhan or any other adventure is fun enough to buy, now that i have some spare gold/money.

Spending gold strictly on Single Player Content seems a bit weird to me.

I mean, the adventures are fine - most streamers have youtube content of themselves playing and passing the different adventures (Trump and Kripp among others) You should look them up and see which if any are worth getting.

Unfortunately, you cannot purchase the old-school Adventures with in-game Gold unless you already own at least one wing of that Adventure. Please ensure this is the case if you’d prefer that to spending real money!

If you do not play much Wild, I personally would not recommend purchasing One Night in Kharazan unless you are certain you have most of the cards you might want for Standard. The Adventure is fun, but not sufficiently in my humble opinion to buy it just for gameplay, because disenchanting the cards is not worth it either (unless you absolutely need the Arcane Dust, in which case it’s better value than buying packs).

Having said that, it is best to wait until after rotation and the release of the new expansion; if you have any spare Gold or money after buying the new packs, then you should reconsider this. :smiley: