Is Hearthstone really rigged?

Haha yes the worldwide cabal of global leaders forced him to show up to his job at Terminex drunk and hit on his coworkers.

It all makes sense…

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‘read’ is the term used in the bug report forum to explain to players in simplest terms how it works as many have no idea how it actually works and have a lot of different own ideas when complaining about things that is actually working as intended. use the word algorithm and they just start arguing instead


I liked your post but I don’t know. It feels… wrong to like a post about such tragedy. The best to you and yours. :slight_smile:

I was just kidding around. Sorry. I’m Canadian. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the kind words but it’s not a tragedy - he brings it on himself.

I’m sure if he played Hearthstone he’d be convinced it’s rigged against him as well.

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I dont understand why I always play the same class back to back

Its just so silly everytime i commit to the board zephyrs is there to just shoot me down and there’s almost always no point in continuing that game because now ive lost all the tempo ive tried to amass the entire time or im pretty much doomed because I know they have guarenteed lethal because of zephyrs. Its the most busted card to ever exist in hearthstone, hence why its a must include in highlander decks. We get it, you guys pay a price with the restriction of making such a deck, but that doesnt mean you get to have free wins because you designed your deck to be highlander. Why not include more support highlander cards and instead tone down the power of already existing Highlander cards, instead of just making few very strong swing cards that make people wanna smash their heads into their keyboard/throw their phone when they lose to such.

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The problem right now is that there really is no way to truly balance anything anymore. You can tech against certain things but those techs generally cost more than they’re worth in the long run. It’s not like there is genuine consistency in the match ups. Running a 4 cost Albatross or two against a deck with no HL mechanic isn’t worth it, IMO.

We are looking for consistency of game flow in a game where they purposely engineer cards for big swings and out of nowhere explosions. It’s less and less like chess everyday which I’m kind of okay with :slight_smile:

you mean its like in every other card game now? :slight_smile:


Evidence speaks over any paragraphs of conjecture and opinionated anecdotal statements such as “I don’t think the matchmaking is rigged.” As posted here before, there is already proof Hearthstone matchmaking is manipulated:

Actually if you start playing Legends of Runeterra, you will see how ridiculous Hearthstone’s matchmaking system, RNG effects and game mechanics are. After i saw it myself when i first tried LoR, i never came back to Hearthstone and i certainly don’t intend to be coming back to HS any time in the near future.

OP points 1 2 3 4 5 - I Totally Agree
Most people who claim the game is rigged they mention the 4 points you did.
If they are rigging the game.
there would be few places where it’s within the game control that’s outside the player’s inputs.

Like - Matchmaking you with someone who happens to also be on winning streak.
that’s Normal match making. and it’s doing what it’s supposed to. but to some they view this as rigging as they are matched to lose. no one can win indefinitely they are bond to meet their match and lose eventually.
Those people who are on winning steak they tend to run pretty good decks and they play very well.
which might appear to some their opponent have all the answers. or lucky. well that’s part of anticipation and skill. (luck and RNG do factor but you need a certain degree in skill to know when to mulligan or use right cards)

ok what else can the game be Rigged ?
The RNG.
it’s random sometimes it works in your favor sometimes it doesn’t. can they really manipulate the RNG ?
yes they can but to do so they need to tailor in each card in your deck and the status in your board and factor what your opponent is running …etc …etc
that’s too much work. and I doubt it’s a thing.

Now wear your Tin foil hat. it’s gonna be hardcore speculations. (and tested)

The Devs add a hidden value for each card in the game. Each card has some internal number asaid from their ID.
these numbers are used to determine their Values. (they probably change them as a form of balance.)
Values that increase their likelyhood of being drawn per Turn.
early Turns mid game turns late game turns.
for example :
[Pharaoh cat]
this card I suspect it having very high value at early turns. but anyhow let’s me show you how these numbers goes into calculations
pharaoh cat value = 60
Galakrond, the Nightmare = 10
at early turns you roll 1-100 + the value = ___
pharaoh cat rolls = 40 while gala rolls 40 also
after calculations you get 100 vs 50. so you draw the cat.
but let’s say you actually rolled 10 for the cat and gala rolled 70. gala would win and you draw it.
the values are increase chances of drawing specific card. it doesn’t guarantees drawing them 100%. RNG still involved.

there are two ways they might be doing (reminder this is still mere speculations)
A- at the start of the match the game pre calculate and run these numbers to shuffle and arrange your deck before mulligan stage.
B- at each time you draw you roll your entire deck the highest the winning card get drawn.

Ok we are still in speculation stage so far this doesn’t have to do with rigging. this is just speculation on how RNG works in the game.

Sadly there currently no data to confirm or deny this. other than looking at cards in mulligan hands from the Database sites. and those do show that some cards like pharoah cat have higher chance on being in the opening hand. But that’s do to the fact people want to keep it in their oppening. so I cannot rely on this data. (If you have a way to prove or disprove this from data. please do tell)

anyhow back to how they can rig this.
( Please note this is speculation on top of speculation. the chances are very slim in term of authenticity. )
The Values of card draw can be manipulated and changed to screw with your winning. the higher steep winrate the horrible your card values get. Forcing you to change classes and controls your RNG based win-rate. they flatten the winstreak curve.
you’d start to see high cost cards in opening hand. situational cards they you rarely use. and the cards with high winrates goes down deeper into your deck.
again RNG still involved you can still get good hands even when you are on high steep winrate. but it just you become less likely to get them.

That’s how I think the game is rigged. I cannot prove it and you cannot disprove it. therefore it’s just another “claim”.
Me and my friends did many experiments to replicate specific patterns. and we came up with a way to replicate it.
The experiment is simple. play 1 specific deck. do not switch do not take a break. just play games. record the 10-15 cards you drew in order for each game.
then try to notice the pattern if they change based on wining or losing.
We noticed that the best suited class for this is Paladin. and we used auto complete deck. the results were obvious within 10 games.
as soon as you start going on a winstreak you’d start to get bad hand. till you start losing and even out your win/lose curve. I did post this in another thread. another player (who was outside of our experimental group) did try it. and posted their results. and it did show the pattern I mentions.
what does this proof ?
not much really other than “Perhaps” there is a correlations between winning/losing and getting good on curve cards. or “perhaps” it’s just regular RNG and because I want to see a result I am forcing a pattern as a Confirmation bias
I wish there would be a proper way to confirm this. for that I need to see all match data for each card and when it was drawn on average on which turn exactly it was drawn.
Does me thinking the game is rigged means anything ?
no I still play the game and have fun. but I can use that information to my advantage by knowing how to avoid falling into traps. by switching to different classes to climb the ladder.

again this is mere speculation I might be right and I can be wrong.
If you feel (and you do) I’m wrong. Prove me wrong. (get some data and facts)
saying it’s baseless speculation. well I can say it’s baseless accusation and these don’t help anyone. I’m open for constructive arguments/discussions.

So it’s just my imagination that the very second I switch from rogue to demon hunter I get matched against a control priest that hard counters me? So it’s just my imagination that on more than half of the games I played I had some of the worst possible draws, one of which against a PALADIN playing an off meta deck? So it’s just my imagination that every time someone played Alextraza Life Binder or Zephrys they more or less got a free win? So it’s just my imagination that regardless of the ninth time I cleared my opponent’s board they magic up a solution that swings it right back in their favor with nigh infinite value combos? I can come to my own conclusions:

  1. Never mistake for malice for mere foolishness.
  2. Corporate manipulation to encourage players to buy packs.

In the current state of of the industry and overall quality I’ve found Blizzard to be putting out: I’m more inclined to believe the latter, and if you are sincerely that gullible I have a business proposition in New York for you concerning a bridge.

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Did you… Did you even read the post?

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The only kind of rigging I have ever thought might be a thing, is some hidden values on cards determining there chance to be drawn. I.e higher value on lower cost minions etc. But even then I doubt that is a thing.

I once got The Amazing Reno off Pilfer in a game, does that mean it’s rigged in my favor?

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It can only mean one thing. Illuminati.

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The Illuminati providing me my second most fun game of Hearthstone in the last week will be an exciting story to tell to my grand children.

That’s not proof, tho. And the answers to the post you linked to explain why :
Too few tests
Barely any actual stats done
No evidence of this experience even being made (no screenshot, no link to a serie of replay…)


Is it not true that most losses are attributed to drawing poorly? You have no way to distinguish false positives which are perfectly explainable in a non manipulated draw system.

If I play call of duty, and I am on a win streak, claiming that they rig the bullet spread or connectivity to stop my winstreak is the exact same argument you are making. It completely ignores that in an unmanipulated system, against equally skilled players who make they same amount of mistakes, characteristics of the game that are random and not directly in their control will most likely decide the outcome.

Basically, you are confusing drawing poorly and losing as a consequence (which is how you lose the majority of the time against equally skilled opponents) with being chosen to lose and being given a bad draw to force the loss.

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