Is Hearthstone really rigged?

So over time I’ve come across plenty of people who truly believe the game is rigged.

The question is, is it really rigged and in what way ?

When you make such a claim, you need to ask yourself this: in what way is the game rigged and what are blizzard’s benefits from doing so ?

1- The matchmaking is rigged in a way to prevent you from climbing.

The matchmaking is made so that you meet people of equal or similar skill, which means you should be maintaining a win rate close to 50%. If the matchmaking was rigged, why is it that the same players consistently hit high Legend every month and have insane win rates ? Why are those guys consistently hitting Legend if it’s rigged ? Are they just luckier than you ? Why would blizzard rig the matchmaking in favor of your opponent but not yourself ? What are they gaining from this ?

Aside from the few players abusing the system in order to farm weaker opponents, I don’t think the matchmaking is rigged in any shape of form, otherwise everyone would be at the same rank, which is clearly not the case.

2- I’ve teched X card for X deck and I am not seeing the class anymore, what’s going on, is it rigged ?

I don’t believe so. If you think about it from a logical and mathematical standpoint, your chances of playing against X class for the 4th or 5th time in a row is extremely unlikely. The fact that you don’t meet the class you’re trying to counter for a few games is perfectly logical and that’s what’s going to happen in most case.

If you think about it, most times someone puts a tech card in his deck is because he queue’d multiple times against X class. There are 10 classes in Hearthstone, your chances of queue’ing against the same class after putting a tech card is so little (probably 10% or less) so it makes perfect sense for the average player to feel like this is rigged. But that’s just because the odds are against you and instead of keeping playing for a few hundreds of games, they just immediately remove the tech card because it seems not to be working.

If techs didn’t work, nobody’s would’ve been playing Warrior (because it mainly countered DH) or cards such a Golakka Crawler & Boompistol Bully. They were clearly working very well so to claim that tech cards do not work is simply false based on your biased view.

3- I am never lucky and my opponent always have every answer.

I do believe this is something that’s heavily biased. The truth is, you are way more likely to remember the time you got screwed by RNG over the times you got insanely lucky or just had better RNG then your opponent. Most players think they won because they played well and lost because they got unlucky. The truth is, most of your opponents probably thought you got very lucky after you’ve won the game but you’re just unable to see that.

In your mind, you won because of skill and lost because of RNG. In reality, the RNG even itself after a while. If you don’t think so, let me ask you think: why would blizzard go out of their way to give you bad RNG ? What are they gaining from rigging the game in the opponent’s favor and not yourself ? From a logical standpoint, that makes absolutely no sense for them to do so. There will always be a winner and a loser so in 100% of the game at least a player is likely to have better RNG than the other.

4- Packs are rigged and I am never getting anything good

I understand that most people get frustrated when they have bad pulls but you need to understand that on average a legendary is only pulled once in 20 packs. This is a fact proved by million of packs that have been opened. Why would blizzard specifically screw YOU with packs rng over someone else ?

Every time you hit the pity time of 40 packs, there’s someone who’ve been blessed with RNG and managed to pulled 4-5 legendaries in 40 packs.

Buying packs is like the Casino… you are more likely to have average pull and just as likely to have very good results over very bad results. What is blizzard gaining from specifically giving YOU bad pulls and good pulls to someone else ? Absolutely nothing. Because it’s all a matter of RNG, just because you get unlucky that doesn’t mean the company rigged the packs so you get garbage.

5- Final words

I don’t think anything’s rigged… if the game was truly rigged in any way, sharp or form, I do believe sites like hsreplay or similar sites would’ve found something after 6 years and millions of games tracked.

Unless you think this is some kind of conspiracy by blizzard and they paid every single sites to keep their mouth shut… the game definitely isn’t rigged. And you need to ask yourself, for any type of way you think the game is rigged, what is blizzard gaining from doing so ? And why hasn’t it been proven to be rigged after all those years ?

If you think the game is rigged, you need to have actual evidence over multiple thousands of games, not just based on your ‘‘impression’’ because impression is heavily flawed and inaccurate in most cases and I’m sure your view would change if you tracked everything and someone pointed out why you’ve lost x game because of some mistakes rather than having a rigged matchmaking or RNG.

Feel free to discuss.


This was a really well-written post. Really, what does Blizzard have to gain? Also for everything to be rigged, one person has to win when the other loses. Why is it just rigged for certain people who are very adamant about it?


I recently dropped my wife off at Dierbergs (a local market store) while my 4yo and I waited in the car because she wanted to listen to power metal covers of Disney songs (I have the coolest kid in the world). My wife came back out with a nearly 3-foot bag of popcorn because “it was only like $3”. Obviously we’ll never manage to consume all of it before it’s gone well beyond stale, but this thread makes her purchase feel considerably more justified.

I’d go grab a handful, were I not at work right now.


very well written post

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My biggest issue with claims that the game is rigged is that the people making that claim show no intention of stopping playing Hearthstone.

And that’s… weird? Why would you keep playing a rigged game? Seems like you’d be better off playing a different, not-rigged game. “Oh but I don’t give them any money,” is the common reply, as if that’s even the issue. “It’s a scam, but all it wastes is my time” doesn’t sound like a well reasoned argument to me.

Who knows. Maybe I’ve become curmudgeonly in my old age.


You crusty old codger, you.


Disclaimer: I DO NOT think the game is rigged, but I am playing devil’s advocate in the following post.

Everyone is asking, “Why would Blizzard rig the game?” I could propose a simple reason: they rig the game for people who pay the most money and/or stream their game to the highest number of followers. It would have to be very, VERY subtle, or it would be caught by hsreplay or those other sites. But a gentle nudge toward a higher win rate for those people could (in this conspiracy theory) keep more money rolling in, and more eyeballs watching Hearthstone.

Now what’s far more likely is that people who pay more play more, and get better at the game, thus having a higher win rate; same for the streamers. But in an imaginary scenario where HS was rigged, these types of players are literally the only possible reason Blizzard could benefit by doing so.



Short answer: Yes

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I feel like if you think the game is rigged, you probably had one or two bad games, like a DH getting 8 damage off Altruis or something, and now think the game is out to ruin your life.

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No jokes at first i thought you threw your wife off somewhere xD

only 8? those are rookie numbers :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll tell you why its rigged, because of one card called zephyrs. When that one card can decide the outcome of any matchup, that is rigged. Why is any class allowed a tech all card, a give me lethal card, a get out of jail free card, a give me other class cards card?

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Zephyrs doesn’t constitute “rigging” in the sense that it is geared against you specifically, anymore than any other card. Because:

A) We know exactly how it works
B) We know exactly what the card pool is that it draws from
C) We know that computers can’t read every board, exactly right and lately (for me at least when I’ve used it) it’s been giving me sub-optimal choices. No lethal when lethal is in range, no silence when that’s all that can save me (rez priests can eat my…), etc…
D) You have to have the deck state to use it.
E) It is in plain site, which honestly I should’ve put as #1 lol

Someone used the word flavouring once. I like that one better now.


it can be rigged easily, therefor it is.

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more specifically zephrys cant read card text other than the bold keywords, nor does it have any information about the cards in your hand other than how many you have

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People like to tell themselves it’s rigged to explain why they lost because it couldn’t possibly be their lack of smart plays or unlucky draw. When they win the rigging somehow didn’t happen that game.

Similar to how the Illuminati is the reason my bum brother in law can’t keep a job. It couldn’t possibly be his lack of education, laziness, and poor social skills. It’s because some higher power is stacking the deck against him.

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? Not sure what cards reading has to do with anything. Zephrys isn’t alive and doesn’t read anything at all. It’s an ordered operation modified by an algorithm to provide what the parameters consider “the perfect card”. Card text is written for us, not the computer you silly silly person :slight_smile:

I don’t think I’ve ever read anything about your hand being considered or not. Good to know. Source?

This is not the original source, but it provides a good compendium of what is known about how Zephrys works


You know nothing. See nothing and will say nothing. The illuminati have had him under surveillance for a long long time now. We…ehemm… they will ensure the chosen one never rises.


Thank you! Quoted from the link posted above

Zephrys will only use “public” information in selecting his card offerings, as detailed above; thus, he will not see or use “private” information, such as what cards are in your hand