Is Hearthstone really rigged?

Dispite what all these autistic knowitalls on these forums state any game with a matchmaker is rigged.

Matchmakers intentaly rig games to make it harder depending on your Matchmaker ratting.

When you win more games insted of giving you a truely random opponent. It places you against other players on purpose that have a higher or simular win rate as you. This rigs games so you will loose period.

Games are all riged to place you against lower win rate oponents when u have a lower matchmaker rating so you wont quit or get flusterated by being placed with top players.

This is a known fact.

Also the after you get x amount of wins this game puts you up against players whps decks are going to have a high roll. The ai in this game looks at win rates with cards to do this and played win rates together.

Ppl on the past have said the devs are too lazy or i give the devs to much credit so this is not possible. Thing is its extreamly simple to do something like this.

Hs replay checks card win rates with ease. A company like blizzard has far more captiol than hsreplay and with ease has data vastly superior hs replay and vs.

Anyone that trys to say im wrong about my above statements needs a harsh reality check and needs to stop living in some kind of fantasy world.

All match makers are designed to do the above in one way or another and have for the exsistance of matchmakers.