I came back after not playing for a while after reaching legend in standard, decided to reach legend in wild and since achieving that, went back into Arena. I dont understand battlegrounds too much still so i play arena as a way to try and enjoy the game and somewhat attempt to get rewards but it seems like arena is more often than not rigged, more than ever?
Arena keeps things quite fresh, but it seems like 90% of games are vs Death Knight or Paladin with insane decks almost crafted from collection. I am able to get wins with paladin but thats about it. It just seems like if you dont have paladin or lich king start off, you are almost doomed for a terrible run and it puts me off even building the deck.
Then when you do get paladin or lich king, you quite often get trashed by stronger paladins and lich kings more often than seems random…
I dont know how or if its possible to play arena often and come out with positive win ratios, it just seems like its the most unstable its ever been… although it did feel like this at previous times, but you could still have good runs with more than just 2 decks.
I want to play arena to stay interested in the game but it seems to trigger more than it does reward…
and the tavern passes seem even more rigged in that if you use one, it matches you up with strong opponents constantly, whilst offering what seems like worse card picks.
Its weird, like i have lost games by turn 5-6 with awful draws or just 0-3 with awful decks that may be mid but get stomped. Just seems super strange that i never get wins the same way lol.
Does anyone else have these frustrations with arena specifically, or do i just suck lol
Are you not aware of people selling arena drafts to streamers?
Because exactly what you describe is exactly what is happening, people are drafting until they get a practically constructed list and then going 12-0.
After a couple wins this is all you will face.
Shrugs. Haven’t played it in God knows how long. Mostly because I went 0-3 multiple times and it felt like I had zero chance of winning any of the matches.
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nah i am not aware of this, whats the point in people doing this? arent they wasting loads of gold to get a good enough deck to attempt a 12 win run?
how can people sell arena drafts, arent the cards given to you as option semi random?
i have managed 6 and 7 wins at best, only with paladin, but yeah, so it pretty much is rigged then? looks like ill quit soon then and come back in another year or two and hope its improved haha
So, many of the bots in standard and wild are farming gold to turn into arena drafts.
These drafts are sold by selling the whole throwaway account.
The streamers use the god mode drafts to attract clicks and actual money to buy more drafts and other sundry things.
Which is just baffling, but apparently true. The decks you face after 3-4 wins are basically constructed (or better because they have 3+ of certain cards).
How can you believe this when streamers literally draft the deck in front of you while streaming? Lol come on
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They don’t care about the gold costs. They use bot accounts that farmed a bunch of gold to cover the cost of reroll until they hit the god draft.
who are watching these streamers and what is the main appeal?
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Most of the offending players are Chinese. I do not know how many Chinese streamers you watch to have seen this. These players are not leaderboard players because retiring bad drafts counts in your ranking.
But this issue is widely discussed and has invaded NA servers since the shutdown of Asian servers.
Basically, people use programs to bot farm gold, sell the account to a streamer, who then drafts and redrafts on the endless gold, only playing out the best drafts. When they run out of gold to draft, they just buy another account.
Not me and I cannot speak for anyone else.
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i became aware of this from a streamer on youtube. as i understand this is more of an asian appeal. i couldn’t tell you which streamers on which platforms. but, there’s no denying how much worse it’s been since blizzard shut out the chinese servers.
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looks like blizzard dont care about their game or its players, sounds so stupid, what does it matter getting a 12 win arena run on a random account thats cards are obtained from the rewards, will be on some random purchased account?
looks like i just ran my last arena run and ill prob close this game down for the forseeable future haha. 
Guy’s right. Botting, amassing boat loads of gold, and using that gold to draft powerful and synergetic decks is the issue. When drafts are bad, these folk end the run until it’s not.
(Further reading: https://esports.gg/news/hearthstone/chinese-botting-might-ruin-the-hearthstone-arena/
That “journalist’s” source is two random people on Twitter. And their source is just trust me bro.
There are a few things about all this that don’t make sense.
- Account selling. If gold farming bots are punished, then account selling doesn’t work because the gold is quickly lost when Blizzard bans the account. If gold farming bots aren’t punished, then it’s pretty silly to buy an account on the black market when instead you can just buy a bot on the black market instead and have it farm gold for you while you’re sleeping, working, etc.
- Streamers (or anyone else) buying “super drafts.” Here’s something a particularly sneaky streamer might do: they own the bot that drafts the decks, referencing on online rating tool like HearthArena, it RECORDS THE DRAFTS, then it retires it if it’s not strong enough according to some overall HearthArena score, then ends and restarts recording on a new draft. That way the streamer can play the recording on stream, act as if it’s live, and then jump into live games (or even recorded games, faking live reactions). That said, the logic from #1 still applies here. Why buy the account when they can just buy the bot? Maybe they hire an assistant or something, ideally someone who also has editing skills for YouTube, but it still doesn’t make sense to just buy a new account every time. Most importantly, I believe streamers like this WILL be caught eventually if people know what to look for… and honestly, Arena streaming just isn’t a huge market to begin with. I bet most “streamers” who try this just never get a big audience and fade away.
This cannot be a factual thing because Scrotie does not understand it. Does not even play the game, but is more in the know than anyone who does.
Problem solved.
Once again, guys, the expert has spoken so we should all just go away.
I’m not saying “problem solved.” And I believe very strongly that any exploit than can be exploited will be… by a very , very small number of people. What I object to is the scope that’s being presented here.
3-2 is barely above average. I assure you, it isn’t MOST people botting or purchasing botted accounts. THIS is blatant exaggeration.
It must be that all of us are wrong, right? It can never be that there is something you do not know. You know more than everyone. Always.
Man who does not play the game is the greatest authority on the topic because reasons.
Yeah pretty much. Just like rigging believers. You’re being propagandized because you want a reason to place the blame for your failures elsewhere. This version just has a little less anti-corporatism and a little more anti-Chinese racism.
The difference is that there’s zero rigging but there’s actually a very small amount of botting. Like the difference between thin air and a grain of sand.
Sure, Donald, only you can save us.
You are very much not enough of a billionaire to be as much of … as you are, bud.
I guarantee you are very much single.
Tell us you no longer play the game without telling us.
In Arena. I probably should have qualified.