iPad bug — blurry screen after new quest pops up

If a new quest pops up while I’m playing on my iPad (e.g. if I’m playing when the clock strikes midnight and I get a new daily quest), the quest pops up and the rest of the screen is blurred — but when I dismiss the quest popup, the rest of the screen stays blurry. The only way to fix it is to shut down the app and relaunch it.

Here’s a video showing what happens:

UPDATE: Whoops, I didn’t see the “known issues“ post — looks like this is one.

  • The Quest popup after a match has ended can cause a fullscreen blur to persist.

Good to see you already found the known issues post. And thanks for updating your post with that information so that people that find this post through Google have the answer available.

One small correction:

Actually there are at least two other ways. The method I always use is to go into the pack opening screen and then back out to the main menu (no need to actually open a pack, or even to have a pack at all). A method I have seen reported by others is to simply start a game, apparently the blur is removed once the game starts.

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Thanks much for the tip! That’s certainly faster than quitting and restarting.