Ios Mobile, incorrect mana displayed

With the last patch my mana displayed change if i zoom the hand in or out, it seems to happen only during my opponent turn but its confusing. Im on ios mobile.

Screenshots: (remove spaces)

m. imgur. com /a /hS78UiZ

All screenshots are paired, during opponent turn and im just switching the hand zoom.


Having the same problem on Android.

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I have the Same problem on my iPhone X :frowning:

Same. Seems to happen more often in the early turns, had it happen 3 or 4 times on turn 3 and 4, once turn 8.

Same, the count will show the count of mana my opponent has on their turn instead of the count of mana I had on my last turn. The number of mana crystals will be correct but the number will be wrong.

Here are the steps to reproduce

You must start second or the other player must have gained mana some how .

During their turn without zooming in on your hand look at the count of mana.
The mana displayed will be the amount of mana that you had last turn.
Zoom in on your hand and look at the mana count

The count of mana will be the count of mana that your opponent has.

Expected results
The count of mana will be the same as what you had on your last turn

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I’m getting the same bug. Very frustrating and it’s caused me to misplay more than once (I see 4 mana, I have the coin and plan out my turn based on coining out a five-mana play, when it’s my turn I play the coin before realizing I only started with 3). It appears to show my opponent’s mana crystals not mine.

Same scenario here… threw the coin thinking I had one more mana due to seeing the opponent’s mana instead of my own :frowning:

Confirming that I am also seeing the same issue on Android. As of the time of this post, it is still happening.

My Hearthstone app says it is v17.0.44222
Android OS is version 10 build 52.1.A.0.532

Confirming that Tealc’s steps to reproduce match my observations.
Confirming that I have also had a few misplays due to this bug.