Played 4 invokes into polkelt and drew rogue galakrond that wasn’t fully upgraded and lost the game because of it.
Did you play Secret Passage?
There is an issue if Galakrond is in that passage while you invoke.
that issue was fixed.
the questions needed to be answered is:
- what class were you playing?
- did you have another galakrond? (stolen with any effect)
- for the sake of clarity: are you 100% sure you had played 4 invokes that game? (pls provide screenshot or replay if you have one)
I was playing rogue and after watching the replay I did play 4 invokes beforehand. Sorry I’m using the hyper link button and just typing the link to the replay in but it keeps saying I can’t post links.
> indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
thank you
on turn 4 you play secret passage and draw galakrond, backstab, lilian, and praise. you play praise and invoke galakrond to 1, then at the end of the turn secret passage resolves and shuffles back galakrond and you get your hand back. that galakrond had 1 invoke and lost it when it was shuffled back as all cards loses buffs when they are shuffled back into deck.
galakrond “transforms” at 2 and 4 invokes to another galakrond with the better effect, and will stay at those invokes even when shuffled back but 1 and 3 invokes are “buffs” and will disappear.
I had no clue thanks for clearing that up. Will be good to remember that from now on.