Infinite turn mage time warp glitch?

At first I thought I had disconnected… Then my opponent’s Jaina portrait started saying Hmmmm.

I’ve been sitting here eating dinner/waiting to see what’s going to happen for about 20 minutes. My opponent played time warp and inputted some sort of sequence of attacks with their arcane giants and then started hovering a card over the battle board before their turn ended. It appears to be some sort of glitch/exploit as I’ve doubled checked multiple times to see if I’m still connected. Hope this gets patched soon because it’s a nasty exploit unless I’m going insane(?)

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No the problem is the timer runs out, and the mage gets to keep playing for 10 more minutes returning the minion to his hand then doing the same spell again. Fix this issue stop making up excuses. This is not that the mage activates a spell that takes a long time, he gets to keep playing long after timer ran out.

uh time warp was nerfed to once per game…

why necro a 4 year old post?

why are you necroposting, clown?