In Reaction To HSMETA IS HEALTHY article!

A small Hearthstone content creator put out a video on the article that in my opinion while not agreeing with everything its worth watching .

He is a somewhat over the top person that can get very salty but puts out good content and deserves more attention.


There is always a bad side to everything.

Healthy not really means that everyone gonna like but obviously people not know the difference or act like they don’t to try to get views.


I the like this meta today. I think it very much the healthy.

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I appreciate your posting this. I don’t have the time right now (on the road), but I will bookmark this topic and watch this video once I’m home. Again, though, thanks!

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He doesnt put out an act he realy has that point of view(that i dont agree with), check out 1 of his streams if anything he is genuine and doesnt cater to the masses(like other Hearthstone creators that are allways happy with everything no matter what for views and goods from Blizzard).

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This isn’t true at all.

Actually most streamers are kinda the opposite. Agree with community with whatever it says on fear of people stop watching they if they disagree.

Also rants always get more views.


I think he makes some pretty good points overall. I also generally agree with his take on the meta not being particularly fun at the moment. I loved the post SA release meta, there were a lot of viable decks, big swing plays, and lots of fun splashy cards being played. Now though games are so quick and the outcomes determined so early that it feels like the only comeback mechanics are misplays by your opponent which feels awful

I mostly enjoy playing control decks and there just aren’t really any that are really viable at the moment because aggro and random card generation are too strong. I know that’s not for everyone but this is just personally what I enjoy playing and not having any of those types of decks viable saps some of the fun of the game for me.

The meta is technically pretty balanced I agree but I also kinda agree with Zeddy that despite that it’s not very fun to play.

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Agreed with his points overall. A healthy meta is one where people want to play and/or watch. Personally, I find myself not wanting to play standard much. And it seems more and more rare to find streamers playing standard.
The spreadsheet balance may be great, but it doesn’t feel especially fun.

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I agree with you this is by far the most balanced it has ever been in Hearthstone and while i dont like what is going on with my main class i have to give props to Blizzard for it.

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I’ve never played wild and have no wild cards. Would I stand any chance using, say, spell mage or quest/lackey shaman or Galakrond/Soul warlock?

Yeah, I share his opinion on the current state of the game. More and more I feel like forced to play to keep up with the cost of the game than actually playing because I find it fun.

I guess the meta is balanced (on a paper) because the sheer ammount of power turns tied to a good / bad draw. I havent seen meta like that where you basically win or lose majority of games based on how cards allign in your deck compared to your opponents.

If I can come up with slow value/control deck with minimum early pressure and be able to drop opponent to 0 on turn 8 if they draw horribly and I draw well…something is really wrong.

Sure like those that never call out Blizzard on shaddy things to keep the giveaway codes and goods coming…
How many Big time creators called out Blizzard on the Blitzchung controversy ,most stayed silent and “impartial”,i only remember Kibler calling them out and saying he would not work with them /support them because of it (the only man with stones).



You know that it means that most changes if not all the changes made were wrong doesn’t you?

After all the meta was far more fun at the start.

Yup. I liked that original meta

That was so, so disappointing. What’s worse, the WoW forums were filled with players backing Blizzard’s decision. Not to get into the whole fiasco.

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HS + PC Gamer = Weinstein
Emma Matthews = aspiring actress/writer
the article = the dirty act to get ahead

in 10 years, I expect Emma to make a reference about how journalism is skewed and how the little people get pressured to do dirty things with a promise to get ahead.

I’d avoid Warlock at the moment, it’s just not fun, Wild can be brutal, I’m currently on my 2 week break from HS after peaking at D3, I’ve reached a point where no matter how much I vary my deck I’m being given impossible matches where I have no counters. I simply don’t have the patience or willpower to start a second deck.

Mage might be the more forgiving deck for you but be prepared for some crushing defeats.

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I agree with Flint. If you don’t have cards, I would avoid Wild.
I play burn mage in Wild and unless you have the cards the deck would be crippled.


Healthy implies that a well constructed deck of any archtype that considers other types in construction should have equal footing to win. It’s a pretty me go face time. Definitely not healthy. But hey streamers jumping ship en masse is a good sign of a healthy meta right? There’s been at least a few big names this month.

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That was me in wild before I took the month off. Playing Mechathun lock? 5 quest mage games in a row where basically if your deck is down to 1-3 cards they’re going to drop their hand and time warp or even usually as soon as you drop Hemmet. Playing anything that counters quest mage, never see one drop. Playing something with absolutely no healing, get pounded by odd DH or Secret/burn mage.