Impulsive Trickster Deathrattles failed to trigger

I was in a Battlegrounds game as Kurtrus Ashfallen. The random rule for the game was ‘All minions are gold’.

I had 4 gold Impulsive Tricksters (200+/200+ each), a golden Rivendare, a gold Wrath Weaver and a gold Tichondrius. Most of my minions had taunt (except Rivendare).

I was facing pirates. A Blade Collector attacked and killed 2 Impulsive tricksters and the Wrath Weaver. The animations for the Deathrattles went off but no health was gained by the other minions. I would have expected over 2400 health to be passed around the remaining minions, but 0 health was added.

200 x 2 (gold) x 3 (rivendare) x 2 (2 tricksters killed) ~ 2400+ health

I died immediately after to the next attack (another Pirate Collector hitting my remaining minions).