Impossible to get better in Hearthstone

I play a lot of Hearthstone, definitely more than I should, and I cant help but notice two giant glaring problems: mana cheating and my opponent having access to cards they should have.

Its impossible to play around cards you cant possibly predict that your opponent will have. All the Discover cards out there really make it challenging to out maneuver and out play the person you’re playing because they have a hand full of cards from other classes that are, usually what feels, like hard counters to your own deck.

Mana cheating is pretty self-explanatory. Not a fun experience to see your opponent play a dozen card with only spending 4-5 mana.

So sum it up, I feel like it is increasingly difficult to develop and get better as a player because of the mechanics introduced into the game. It feels like everyone just throws a bunch of BS and rely on blind luck to win, and they usually do because of it.

I was just interested to see if others feel same as I do.

The first thing to get over if you want to improve in hearthstone is that sometimes, in fact quite often, the better player will lose due to luck. Arguably Hearthstone’s mechanics makes this happen more often than it should, but this will happen in any card game due to draw luck.

That basically sums up my every arena run.
Time to waste another 150g

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I feel that there is definitely a big difference between drawing a card you need from the deck you built and randomly generating a spell from another class that you shouldnt have access to.

If I lose to someone who plays with only the cards from their class that they specifically put into their deck, fine. Just feels like the other guy uses nothing but luck as a strategy and it usually pays off in their favor.

To be good at hearthstone you have to be able to incorporate gambling strategies to your average card game gameplay.

It’s not easy to conciliate and also very rage inducing.

While it’s true that there are times you gonna lose due to luck people give too much credit to it.

Hearthstone is like 50% luck/40% you/10% your opponent doing dumb mistakes.

Both of yall have valid points, however it is worth noting how it feels to some of us. I dont speak for anyone but myself, but i think this sentiment may be a shared one.

When your opponent goes on a discoverfest its as if you were just playing a game of football and all of a sudden when you should be preparing for them to go for a field goal and then you should be getting to go on offense in turn, instead they run over to the Price is Right Wheel and spin it and land on $1 which results in a massive explosion of confetti and BS shenanigans that in turn allows them to out of nowhere declare Yahtzee! and destroy their deck and swap decks with you and then you are left with nothing but a couple of spells that require you to draw cards from your now nonexistent deck and a minion that when it attacks draws cards from deck too… So yeah, Check Mate. On turn 6.


Gambling in hearthstone used to be “Should I go face or trade?”

Now its “Let’s see how many cards of a different class can I mana cheat out this turn.”

I’ll dive into the heart of the topic towards the end, but first a little bit on improving in general.

Years ago I would often watch a friend play. While I considered him to be a better player overall, man did he make a ton of mistakes. Attack order, draw first, counting wrong and other stuff having to do with playing a little too quickly. These are just the basics, but I see a lot of people, even streamers, slip up from time to time.

After the basics you get a little more abstract. Stuff that you might not always get a consensus on what the correct choice is. Deck construction, mulligans and individual plays to name a few that might need some good old hindsight to fully unravel.

After that you have to zoom out a bit. While a single play can decide a game, everything that led up to that play is just as important if not more so. This takes time and experience.

I know you are talking about the RNG aspect of the game and specifically the cards that generate other cards that have a very large pool to choose from. You indeed can’t predict every card your opponent will play against you. So how do you improve?

Experience. You need to learn the matchups. Saying you lost a game because they discovered the perfect card is alright, but that game should be an outlier in the matchup then. To be competitive you should have a strategy for every matchup in order to optimize your chances of success. While stuff happens and you’ll have to improvise occasionally, there really should be a plan of action that leads to your best odds of victory in every matchup.

At the end of the day, mana cheating and discover are probably the two things I dislike the most about Hearthstone atm, so I’m right there with you. I don’t think it’s impossible to get better, but the designers sure as hell don’t make it easy. Good luck!

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And gonna get even crazier as time goes.

You added me as a friend just to tell me to keep my “try hard” decks out of standard and then blocked me? jj SOFT indeed

Makes you wonder where the try hard decks should be then, casual wild maybe?

Maybe they could add a tournament mode that has a specific rule set each week.