Imp Gang Boss' imps aren't considered imps

The token imp created by Imp Gang Boss doesn’t activate the location, isn’t revived or buffed by Rafaam…


as seen in the video, the librarian is also not buffed by the created imp

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J’ai le même bug que toi

Not sure what bug you are reporting?

Vile Library has recently been nerfed. It now gives +1/+1 for each friendly Imp. In the video, I see one single imp, and the target gets one single +1/+1.

Imp gang boss is an imp count as one and the token it produces is two so the buff should have been +2/+2.

Issue persists today.
Imps summoned off of Imp Gang Boss are not included when activating Vile Library location onto a friendly minion.

Weird. Both the imp gang boss and its imps are boosting with vile library just fine for me.

I can confirm this bug for two purposes:

  1. Vile Library: (Location)
  2. Flustered Librarian (Minion)

It worked for other 1/1 imps (like Fiendish Circle) but not the Gang Boss spawns. I don’t believe this was an issue last week but it’s definitely happening today.

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Imp gang boss is an imp and so is the token imp produced by imp gang boss. So 2 imps on the field should give an +2/+2 buff, but only gives +1/+1. Also happening with librarian and not only with imp gang boss.
Lost multiple games to this

Have also just experienced this, Flustered Librarian did not take into account the 2 imps generated by Imp Gang Boss.

Confirming the bug. Imps created by Imp Gang Boss are also not being considered when playing impending catastrophe.

Confirming the bug as well. In my games yesterday and today, imps from gang boss aren’t counting as imps for Rafaam, Vile Library, and Flustered Librarian

This just happened to me in Standard in 2024. Did this bug get brought back? Imp Gang Boss did not count as an Imp for my Librarian and for my Vile Library.

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Why isn’t imp gang boss an imp anymore?

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This interaction is still bugged after the 28.4.1 bug fixes.

Bug persists as of today, it actually worked fine for me a year ago or so.

Affects at least Impending Catastrophe and Vile Library with interaction with Imp Gang Boss.