I'm very glad with the new meta rework annoucement

Because I’m absolutely fed up with from-hand-win conditions

I’ve been trying to make the new deathknight hero card work, but by all that is good is it terrible.

The entire gimmick of adding minions to your hand is completely redundant.

Why? Because everyone has a bottomless pit of removal or rush cards.

And then it gets better, because your opponent just kills you from hand, just like that. Plagues, wheel warlock, sif mage etc. the list goes on.

Or if you’re lucky, they play a good aggro deck that just crushes you at turn 6.

I strongly hope the “destroy minion” tag gets removed from the game and replaced with “deal 8 damage to a minion”. As building big minions is completely, utterly useless.

I can build the biggest possible 50/50 taunt, and I bet you it’ll be terrible (just like slagmaw) because everyone pulls a minion deletion card from their hand or discovers it from somewhere else.

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I have to agree. I usually try and not complain, but I’m really having difficulty playing right now. It sucks, because I usually enjoy myself. I can’t find a deck I have fun playing, nor decks I want to play against. This announcement is fantastic, and surprising for me. Didn’t see this coming, but I am excited.

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