I'm unhappy with HS

… but that isn’t enough.

I need to ensure that everyone else is as unhappy as I am. The idea that I’m having a bad time with something that others are having a GOOD time with is unacceptable and as such, rather than work on how I can have a good time (because my perspective is perfect and never needs changing) I must do everything within my power to bring down everyone else to my level of toxic misery.


Ok, so you’re opposed to other players presenting how they feel about a game that they may even monetarily support?

Sorry to break it to you, people are entitled to voice their opinions so you may find it difficult to peruse the Hearthstone game forums because that’s what it’s here for.

Hope you can adjust.


Look, if you are going to start this, you should irrationally rant in poor sentences about how broken a common card is, how unfair nerfs are, rigged match making, why they need to show us our mmr, or how you long for fatigue control meta.

You didn’t even mention “brainless aggro decks” so this is a pretty poor effort all things considered.

You just sound way too sane and normal.

Now make three more threads on 2 post alts for greater effect, please.



I have no need to adjust. Everyone who’s happy should adjust.


I think the settings on your sarcasm detector need to be reset, lol.


We know.

All of your posts have told us, why’d you repeat yourself here?

Because sometimes ppl like you need to be reminded, apparently.

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No u

I know this is about being unhappy, but can we make the rest of the thread about mage?


Not u.

hehehe. got’em

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Nah, I knew it was sarcasm but there’s another message in there… they get annoyed that other people have the audacity to be unhappy with the state of the game.


All the time.

In every thread even ones completely unrelated.

With new topics about the same issues several times a week.

Seriously, though, if people are that peeved GOOOOOO!

I wouldn’t play a game I didn’t like and I certainly wouldn’t go to the forums for months on end to complain because that’s not how stuff gets done.

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How could I be annoyed with that, when it’s exactly what I’m doing?

It’s perfectly reasonable for people to hate all over things they love in order to make them better, after all. It isn’t toxic. Hatred and uninformed vitriol are how you CARE about things and show your personal love and affection.

It’s those fools who dare enjoy anything in life that ruin the experience for those of us trying to drive the world into toxic misery for it’s own good. They need to stop defending the status quo when what they should REALLY be doing is HATING all of their recreational activities like a GOOD person.


You’re definitely contributing to whatever it is you’re trying to malign with all that biting sarcasm.


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Do with this what y’all will. Very telling who liked this and kept it going, not to mention the veiled insults to other folks.

If you can’t control your emotions, then you have to control my behavior, or I will drive you crazy.

You do have a point.

The post doesn’t mention switching to priest or a warlock with Tickatus. I’m not buying it.


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