I'm having trouble claiming the deck

I downloaded Hearthstone in late 2017, played nonstop for a few days, and quit. I recently heard about a free deck offer for returning players, which would fix my main complaint about the game: the difficulty for new players. I completed the 3 battles with the purple dude, but I didn’t receive any reward. Am I missing something?

Also, this is my first post here, so please let me know if I’m posting this in the wrong location.

When did you return?

Pretty sure you have to reach rank 25 in ranked standard to get the deck

Like 5 hours ago. I hadn’t logged in since late 2017.

I was rank 25 when I logged in today. I don’t remember ever playing ranked though, so I have no clue how I got there. Maybe the earlier ranks didn’t exist when I first played?

You have to also play two other quests - one is play 25 cards and the other is do 100 damage.

Once you do that they will let you choose a deck. Choose wisely. You can aim for best legendary or you can aim for the tier 1 best deck.

I got mine yesterday.

Oh, thanks. I wonder why that wasn’t posted anywhere else.

It’s somewhere but not so easy to find. Blizz needs drastic improvement in their comms. They should engage a consultant to help them look into it.

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two questions, if you swap from a europe server to american and start over will you recieve the deck.

second question, if you skip to rank 25 but have completed them quests will you still recieve the deck?

They said 1 free deck per account so i doubt it. You could start a new account on NA if you wanted to, won’t matter unless you plan on playing open cups.

FYI, ive done it twice on the same account so your wrong, apologies for pointing this out.

Yes the regions are treated as different accounts.

I’m on a new account and reached rank 24 and have no more quests and I still have no offer for a free deck.

You must level past rank one of the new player ranks.