Illidari inquisitor should nerf?

only 8 mana deal 8 dmg on the face and kill 1 minion, this is one of the broken card that should get nerf ASAP


It should be nerfed to a legendary and everyone that owns doubles ought to receive a refund for one, or something. It’s so clearly OP but it seems to be evading nerf because without it DH is in a really cruddy place.


it´s a good finisher, but in the end it´s just a slightly better alexstrasza for that purpose. And when you see it coming it´s not terribly hard to play around it most of the time. 8/8 is really not hard to remove for most decent decks at that point in the game.

That’s true, but the 2nd one, then the third from N’zoth (in addition to N’zoths board) is what usually closes games for me with it.


Give it a shot, without it DH has nothing at the moment. With it, it’s still not great.

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The comparison to Alexstrasza not withstanding (although note Alexstrasza’s legendary (limit of 1)), this card’s played winrate’s pretty high, and peaks at turn 9 with a 67.43% played winrate. Factor in that players can run two and potentially duplicate this minion and it’s certainly a force to be reckoned with.

And that’s part of the problem and why this card’s evaded nerf, in my opinion.


Yeah I agree, similar to the mage problem.

No need to refund, the card is free! :grin:

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Well yes… but no.

I think it’s wrong to see card balance in vacuum.

You always want to judge cards in their respective decks, especially in a game that has class-locked decks and cards.

So, the card is indeed “nerf worthy” if you look at how much it does by itself.

But it’s also not nerf worthy if you judge the actual outcome the existence of the card has for the DH, which is basically allowing him to be competitive without being oppressive.

So, in a different meta, in a different deck, with different supports, maybe. But right now? No.

(always imo)


Card is pretty broken. Can’t taunt against, multiple copies of, and insufficient healing to be able to deal with. Forces (among many other things) for the meta to be aggro or burn.
Didn’t really like the otk version of demon hunter tho either and Skull of Guldan is Broken. Remember Far Sight for shaman, (member shaman lol) gone, too powerful, too much draw. oh… I’m just jealous…got freaking Ala kir over here in shaman town. Feels bad…

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Freeze doesn’t stop it. It’s bull crap.

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Freeze the demon hunter, not the inquisitor.

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Even if you see it coming how the hell do you play around it?

Even as Mage, just burn them down first since the only “healing” you get is Ice Barrier usually. Put one of those up and kill them fast or put them in a scenario where one card easily kills them so they have to spend time healing and such instead.

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