Ignis is ridiculously stupid card and it should not have windfury, often games come down to who plays windfury ignis first always wins
Devs won’t address the 1/1 magnetic windfury mech that enables rogue kills by turn 4, why would they address Ignis? They’ve stated repeatedly they do not care about balance, they care about letting people do “fun” things.
source ? i havent read anything so far saying they wont
all i know they said theyll do something about warlock decks ( didng give a date but its supposed to be days after mini set release )
We wanted to take this time to talk about why those changes were made and what we consider (or don’t consider) when adjusting a class like this.
There are two main considerations when we make these types of changes: 1) player enjoyment of the class (the most important consideration); and 2) how much design space the class has for us to work with.
You’ll note that “power” is not a consideration for these types of changes. We’ve seen some questions and comments about why we adjusted Paladin when the class already seems strong. The short answer is just that power isn’t relevant for class tune-ups: this is about adjusting fundamental issues with a class, not its power level.
They do not consider “power,” but “enjoyment” (i.e., “fun”). They have stated before they do not want to be restrained by balance regarding design.
ignis is one of the most powerful card in standart right now it wins games alone with little synergy only , i highly suggest nerfing it a little .
the effect windfury is a powerful effect in standart it affect mech rogue archetype too .
windfury is one of the best keyword in the game , and has allways been .
i suggest removing windfury from this weapon as it is too powerful and same for mech rogue remove the windfury generated mechs tokens .
Ping on this thread.
I’ll attack the designer’s ego now, it’s a weak design when a card is picked every time, and streamers get frustrated when it’s not found.
Your designs are weak.
Windfury needs to go, it’s auto-picked, and a reason ignis is almost everywhere. I can’t run 5 oozes vs priests or druids. and a game should not be decided by if I have removal before a warrior smacks me in the face for all my hp.
The only “fun” thing is for Blizzard to make more money. Fun for them, but not necessarily for you.
Windfury probably shouldn’t be costed the same as other keywords (including cleave/immune while attacking) when attached to a weapon or charge minion. Windfury Sparkbot and Windfury Ignis weapons are clearly more powerful than the other options to a fairly significant degree because the weapon/magnetised mech can attack immediately and attack the enemy hero. Not only does it enable massive burst potential but also allows Ignis weapons to procure their value twice as quickly as normal. I’m not sure what the solution is beyond removing Windfury from these pools, which I don’t really like as a solution if I’m completely honest.
Is it stupid because the windfury option is too powerful or polarizing? Ignis and similar cards that came before it seem to be very well-liked.
Meanwhile, we’re already healed from it, but not too long ago the forum was thick with complaint threads about paladins using a windfury weapon. Now a similar weapon is available.
Of course there’s gonna be hate.
I laughed when I saw people crying about that weapon. The only thing people should be upset about is that Priest hasn’t been removed from the game yet.
You’re taking that dev post out of context. Class power level is one of the most important considerations with patch nerfs and balance adjustments. The patch you referenced was about the dev team commenting on why they sent paladin’s secrets to wild and added new cards in their place. The tune up they’re talking about was the paladin revamp, much like when they created the overheal keyword in priest earlier this year.
When a meta is too off kilter because one deck has a power level issue, they do balance changes to tone down the numbers. Actual balance patches revolve around power level outliers, as well as play pattern or experience outliers. This dev post wasn’t talking about a balance patch at all. So you’re comparing apples to oranges here. Class overhauls are not balance patches, and that is what the dev meant.
How about replacing it with the trample ability seen on always a bigger jormungar. Makes the buff offensively oriented without being quite so overwhelming.