As for the OG poster of the thread, you ever see the data for classes vs classes? It’s a better outlook than deck composition. I tell you this from experience I had over two years ago.
I played a ton of Renolock, an it was basically the only deck in the game I would play. So just nonstop Warlock.
Eventually Playing as that deck an class I saw ONLY the META of wild. The BEST decks, there was nothing ever anything else when I queued as Warlock in Wild. Didn’t matter ranked or casual mode.
The minute I swapped to another class I lost the Warlocks matchups in both ranked an casual. They would only need roughly 3-4 games before that class worked it’s way in the meta.
This was actually quite useful if you wanted to dodge a deck in ranked. However the game play at Diamond 2+ Had over a minute wait time if you tried this, before the game would try to just give you someone in queue. (example Secret Mage) a meta deck.
So it would be most telling if we had more information on class queuing’s. Because that is a stim of the game is rigged for people. Why does X class have a different meta than when you switch for a few games with something else.
Look how many times you see people mention exactly that. Even I can vouch for it from experience. Someone in this thread did there best to explain at certain rank points you would see more of the meta. Which is true as you would expect from a developed meta game. But it acts up when you decide to stop using X class.
So once again the story continues. Because I think they’re might actually be a confirmed statement about Classes not likely to see each other as a part of the Matchmaker system. I would have to look around for this as I think this was announced in a Developemnt blog or something of that nature.