If you think matchmaking is rigged, read this

I dont want to be rude but this thread is about rigged matchmaking and not about starbonus or why someone is stuck at d5

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Apologies… Noted. still dont know what getting to legend gets me besides and extra pack… but not bothered enough yet.

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No it’s not. Matchmaking isn’t rigged, this thread is about things that actually happen

If thats not rigging i dont know. Either you are an icognito community manager or the most delusional person on earth. Whats your mission, what you gain from defending Blizzard on this topic when the facts are all written in their patent for all online videogames without limitation

And you still havnt ignored me my little Honeybee :blue_heart:

Ps: Thread title reads “if you think matchmaking is rigged” maybe you in the wrong thread or maybe you cant read propper english…oh wait thats me right?

Standard matchmaking by winrate, which is not rigged at all, is literally: players who have been losing may be matched with easier opponents.

You are highlighting a part of the patent which is literally the polar opposite of rigging, and saying that if that isn’t rigging, you don’t know what is.

Then there’s all the patent law ignorance, but that’s very common and boring. I’m just kinda amazed by this other part.

And what about this then …you really lost, i think.

Everyone can read it byhimself and than draw his own conclusions. You seem to find for everything a excuse or explanation, so you get paid for thi or you a a hyper fan boy ?

‘’I can’t make it to Legend, I think the matchmaking might be rigged’’

But that person isn’t looking for advice on how to improve and make it to Legend rank.

This is what happens nowadays for trying to advise weaker player on how to improve, you get blocked.

I think it’s hilarious how upset this individual has gotten because I called their quest murloc shaman bad and for assuming they were also playing it to climb (I’m not allowed to assume they played that deck to climb so why would I be allowed to assume that’s not the deck they are trying to climb with.

Was I toxic here or is this person oversensitive. I want a genuine answer.


That’s not what you said here;

I love how you added some keywords.

In any event this patent covers having a system that uses a variable to track performance, which can be used to match players against players of different skill. Sounds almost like the MMR implementation. I note the word nefarious doesn’t appear in the patent.

This is probably news to you - patents are to protect a company from either 1) having to pay another company for using an idea, or 2) for making another company pay for using an idea. They aren’t licences to secretly victimise your customers.

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I would say mistook comment to be an attack, and comment may have been vague enough to sound tactless.

Therefore… more back and forth will just worsen the misunderstanding of a targeted attack. Human nature to defend,

Yeah wow, I bet that took some work in a spreadsheet. I assume everyone had 0 stars, and you’re just counting win streaks?

So now the sorting effect is below the threshold people would reliably detect it at.

Nice analysis, I greatly admire the effort and it’s disappointing that a room of clueless fools are using the thread to argue about metaphysics.

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I got a 24hrs suspension for less… what kind of behaviour is that.

Giving people names that have a decent conversation in here.

To maintain balance in the universe, I gave a compliment as well.

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How do you put a person on ignore? i have been trying to find this feature but i havent found it.

(serious question btw,i really want to know).

Click on their name > View profile and change Normal to Ignored.

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Ty that seems to work.

But what if a person has hidden their profile,then i dont have the option to ignore?

Nvm i found it. You can do it in your own profile and add names to ignore list.

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Twenty characters is

Yeah, giving tips to people in 2023 are now considered attacks.

People hate hearing the truth.

‘’I don’t think you should be doing A because it’s not very good’’ omg you’re so toxic I’ll mute you!

  1. Possible true
  2. Honeybee how lovly is that :blue_heart:
  3. i said you either are delusional or paid. You think thats insulting ? Beeing delusional can be cured and whats bad beeing paid for some solid work.
  4. Hyper fan boy whats wrong to be one? I am a hyper fanboy of alot of things.

Not one person here called you stupid, fools and what so ever.

Ps: if you find honeybee insulting that says alot about you :blush:

Come on mate, most delusional person in the world is the world’s #1 fool. Take some accountability!

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