Idea for a Third PvP mode

What if there was mode that would rotate between standards of old. Every 2 months would rotate to the next standard environment.

Wild is great, but its clear some cards get left in the dust (sometimes literally), and this would solve some of those problems.

I am not really looking into it: if you play wild you can already do this, so why limiting what you can play wih specific cards set?

This mode would be played by:

  1. veterans that have all cards, so they can play whatever deck they want. they will get eventually tired of it and return to play the mode where everything is allowed
  2. 3 years old players that didn’t dust all their collection and want to keep playing with their stuff when the right rotation happens
  3. someone without any clue of what to do, so he will just use a deck with classic, basic cards and maybe

I honestly hope blizzard has a very innovative/creative idea for a 3rd mode; something similar to the game we all know, but reshaped
(trad: not a mode like battleground, not a mode like standard/wild)

Maybe…Something like a dungeon run with constructed deck but against other players; while you go on, you get some points to spend on stuff like:

  1. upgrade hero power
  2. upgrade starting health
  3. special treasures

IDK, something new, that has the potential to stay fresh and evolve over time