I'd like trinkets more

If there weren’t so many bad ones. This system feels designed to reward luck and punish bad luck, without any real skill requirement.

The disparity between trinkets is ridiculous. Why have so many if they’re so poorly balanced?

If these things ever return, I’d like to see fewer of them so that we have a chance of getting the better ones to play with. Although I kinda miss when gimmicks weren’t a thing and it was just battlegrounds. Will we ever see that return?

I really like battlegrounds because they allow me to work or do something else while I’m playing them, but I’ve never conceded mid game more than I am this season, and it’s because I keep getting really bad trinket choices and I always see other players get ideal ones. Why even continue the match at this point?

I’ll be up front. I don’t play to win necessarily. Rating is pointless and provides absolutely nothing unlike most modes, so that’s not what interests me. Having fun building something, even if it falls to better boards, is what I’m here for. And that feeling just isn’t there with like 90% of these trinkets.

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For me the real problem with them is that they barely consider your board state sometimes.
U can have a board with 7 mechs and they offer u a murloc trinket.

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I agree that rating is pointless, but if you aren’t playing to win, then just continue to concede. The “balance” comes from the pool of trinkets being large and varied, so that you aren’t guaranteed to get the most powerful and synergistic trinket every time

This is also explains why you see no skill as you aren’t trying to use any. Skill comes in more when you get bad shops or trinkets and figure out a way to make it work anyway

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Diluting the trinket pool with bad trinkets is how Blizzard thinks they ‘fixed’ the release day trinket system. Sure, that was super snowbally because some trinkets were super good while most were super bad. Now they just add more bad and shave numbers off the top trinkets to make them more meh. Why put in effort to make the bad ones good? That requires paying employees with brains.

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I think there may have been once or twice where i got offered trinkets at either point in a lobby and could find nothing useful. There’s always at least one that is good and can help your build or move in another direction. ATM i can only think of two trinkets i would never take. The rest are all situational.

That’s intended. Those are the “pivot” trinkets that are offered.

I find many people who are complaining about trinkets don’t know how they work or how to manipulate what is offered.


I know what they are and how they work but they kinda just eat a fourth option, maybe if the trinkets were given earlier this mechanic could work a little bit better since people are generally on tier 3 already when the first one comes.

The influx of options diluted the pool to the point that you can no longer reliably find certain things that used to be almost givens.

I think the wider issue is people only see straight lines and miss the more subtle plays - if the trinket doesn’t say the name of the tribe they have, then it’s not for that tribe kind of thing.