I am here to help you out Blizz, free of charge. And honestly, I’m surprised and impressed myself at this new idea I’m about to propose that might just save Hearthstone. You know how you have the Standard and Wild and Twist format? And how people always ask for Classic? Or certain years/eras of Hearthstone?
Here it is, free of charge…consolidate all of that into “Formats”. And make the ability to create Custom Formats as well. Now, I know what you’re saying…that sounds great! We should totally do that! But…I know…it does seem like a decent amount of work/change to implement, and players wouldn’t give you money directly for making such a change, so why bother? In fact, you may even want Hearthstone to fail, to be a sinking ship, with little effort or regard to it, as you milk the final drops of milk from Mama Whales. I get it. I don’t envy your position and your neutered ability to actually do some great things with this game, great things for the playerbase who actually enjoy (or want to enjoy) your product. Be the change you want to see…I believe in you. The power is yours